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Title 放流水標準支援計畫
Abstract 基於養豬業不斷陳情放流水標準過於嚴苛,為檢討我國標準是否合理,本計畫詳細蒐集日本、韓國、馬來西亞、美國、丹麥及荷蘭等6國養豬業放流水之管制精神、內涵、方式、標準及環境品質影響等,以及簡單蒐集新加坡、中國、越南、菲律賓、澳洲、芬蘭、英國、法國及義大利等9國之養豬業放流水標準,據以提出標準寬嚴之比較及我國之適用性。 為分析環境溫度對三段式廢水處理設施處理排放水水質之影響,由29場養豬場之放流水質分析結果指出,正常開機操作下多數可符合標準,惟硬體設施與軟體操作不理想之狀況下,放流水質會遠高於標準2~30倍以上,此影響並非溫度所致。評估較低溫10~15℃對第二段厭氧處理出流水質濃度會有所影響,但後續之第三段好氧處理負擔均在活性污泥可處理範圍內,故放流水質與溫度適宜時(25~30℃)之差異不大。統計3~11月之SSave、BODave及CODave分別為 35mg/L、49mg/L及200mg/L;而至少80%可達到之SSP80、BODP80及CODP80分別為49mg/L、76mg/L及299mg/L,均已可符合現行標準,更反應目前COD管制?600mg/L相當寬鬆。養豬廢水之大部分有機物可藉由廢水處理流程所分解,由COD去除率達95%以上評估難分解物質含量有限。 為瞭解養豬廢水對水體之影響,以90年高屏溪水源區拆除約46.6萬頭豬之水質進行分析,其原水氨氮濃度顯著降低至0.3mg/L以下,上游之氨氮達成水體水質標準之合格率明顯從0%提昇至75~100%。最後,依據各國排放標準及相關科學性數據,提出放流水標準說帖,並舉辦二場專家學者討論會。基於我國現行養豬業放流水標準已較歷年管制?、較我國其他行業、較其他國家為寬鬆,同時我國養豬密度居全球第三、環境負荷亞洲第一,我國養豬業放流水標準應不宜再放寬,且理應較各國為嚴格。因應加入WTO之國際壓力,更應仿效採用「作業標準」之歐美或日本諸國,致力於低污染飼養技術與堆肥再利用等源頭減廢工作,方可減輕管末處理的困境與成本。
EngTitle Effluent Standard Support Project
EngAbstract Because the swine farming industry has been complaining about the strict effluent standards, one of the main tasks is to review whether these standards are applicable by referring to the detailed collected information on livestock effluent controls in Japan, Korea, Malaysia, America, Denmark, and the Netherlands. Additionally, simplified information in some countries are collected for analysis, comparison and applicability study as well.In a study about analyzing the effect of temperature on the three-stage wastewater treatment process, the result points out that the water quality discharged by 29 swine farms meet the effluent standards on the condition that the treatment facilities are under normal operation. However, if the hardware facilities or the operators failed to perform well, the effluent would exceed the standards by 2 to 30 times, which has nothing to do with temperature. It is estimated that although the lowered temperature of 10~15℃would influence the second stage of anaerobic digestion, the third stage of aerobic treatment could show a better process performance. Therefore, no significant differences in SS, BOD and COD concentrations of the final effluent were observed between a lowered temperature of 10~15℃ and an appropriate temperature of 25~30℃. From 2005 March to November, the values of SSave, BODave, and CODave were 35, 49 and 200mg/L and the values of SSP80, BODP80 and CODP80 were 49, 76 and 299mg/L respectively, which complied with the present standards. It is reported that the present maximum limit of COD is fairly lax. To understand the effect of swine wastewater on the water bodies, the water quality of the source water protection zones in Kao-Ping Creek is to study, where approximately 466 thousands heads of swine had been cut down by 2000. After that, the NH3-N concentration fell under 0.3mg/L, greatly improving the compliance from 0% to 75~100%.Finally, it is suggested that our livestock effluent standards should be tougher. The reasons are that our standards are less strict than those of other industries and of other countries. Moreover, our high swine density is ranked number three around the world (number one in Asia). To relieve the pressure of joining the WTO, our government should refer to some advanced countries as role model by adopting their performance standards. By devoting to source waste deduction measures, we can thus reduce the cost of swine wastewater treatment.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會