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Title 以生態工法淨化水庫水質控制優養化研究計畫
Abstract 本計畫重要成果摘要如下:(一)蒐提國內水庫歷年報告及基本資料,顯現多為逐漸加重優養化之趨勢,內部氮磷污染來源則為水庫集水區等外部而來,去除方法建議以曝氣之方式來去除氮磷等污染物。另外優養化之改善亦可以:1. 物理方式:攪動水體、放流中底層水、遮光等方法。2. 化學方法:硫酸銅等殺藻劑,改變水中營養鹽組成。3. 生物方法:放養魚類或抑制藻類生物與人工溼地等。(二)本計畫同時收集美國、日本、歐洲及中國大陸湖泊水庫營養鹽控制策略及案例分析,國外有使用蘆葦、菱角與布袋蓮等方式控制優養化之案例,並以曝氣方式控制與打破分層,來抑制優養化。其曝氣之動力來源則以風力與太陽能,以節省能源。(三)本計畫並完成邀請相關機關團體、專家學者辦理北、中、南部共9場座談會及1場全國水庫庫區控制優養化技術研討會;最後選定蘭潭水庫及新山水庫列為最優先整治之水庫:1. 蘭潭水庫:入流口設置一處人工溼地,經費約5000萬元,每年操作維修費200萬元。增設及維修曝氣設備2066萬元,每年操作維修費100萬元。2. 新山水庫:增設2座曝氣設備經費3000萬元,每年操作維修費500萬元。進水沉澱池5000萬元,每年操作維修費500萬元。水質自動監測設備300萬元,每年操作維修費50萬元。
EngTitle Eutrophication control for reservoir water quality by ecological engineering
EngAbstract The accomplishment of this study is summarized as follows:1. Following a review of the gathered study reports, data, and information, excessive nitrogen and phosphorus loads from the watershed are identified as the main cause of increasing eutrophication in Taiwan’s reservoirs. Reaeration is recommended to be the main practice to control reservoir eutrophication. In addition, the following mitigative measures are also recommended:(a) Physical processes: water column destratification, selective withdrawal, and shading(b) Chemical processes: using copper sulfate to kill algae and changing the nutrient composition in the water column(c) Biological processes: fish farming, algal growth control, and man-made wetland construction2. Other practices for lake and reservoir eutrophication control are also identified from a number of case studies in US, Japan, Europe, and China. They include growth aquatic species such as Phragmites communis L., Trapa natans L. var. bicornis Mak., and Eichhornia crassipes Solms to control eutrophication. In addition, reaeration and destratification are used to reduce reservoir eutrophication, with wind power and solar energy as the main power source to save energy.3. Data and information analyzed were presented at 9 regional technical workshops in northern, central, and southern Taiwan and one national workshop. Experts from academia, research institutions, regulatory agencies, and stake holders were invited to attend and to critique the results. Shinsan and Lantan Reservoirs have been identified as the first sites for implementing eutrophication control.(a) Lantan Reservoir: a man-made wetland (NT$50M as the construction cost; NT$2M as annual operating cost. Additional reaeration equipment (NT$20.66 as construction cost and NT$1M as annual operation and maintenance cost)(b) Shinsan Reservoir: 2 reaeration facility (NT$30M for construction and NT$ 5M as annual operation and maintenance cost); Sedimentation Pond (NT$50M as construction cost and NT$5M as annual maintenance cost); and automatic water quality monitoring facility (NT$3M and NT$0.5M for construction and annual operation and maintenance)
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台大土木系 郭振泰