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Title 守望淡水河志工培力及巡守計畫
Abstract 本計畫完成下列9項工作:1.舉辦「社區大學水資源課程觀摩研討會」一場。2.舉辦6場次「淡水河巡守義工培力工作坊」,共計培訓300位河川巡守義工。3.開闢『環境監督社區群組』 定期將一些社團巡守活動的資訊及本計畫舉辦願景工作坊相關手冊文章放上網。並對外宣傳讓更多人來使用這一個免費的學習、經驗交流的平台。4.親水步道調查與巡守,開闢10條親水步道。5.巡守志工標準作業程序。6. 淡水河巡守宣導摺頁製作。7. 進行7次河流相關公私部門拜訪。8. 舉辦「假日河川巡守成果發表」與「水質監測日河川巡守成果發表」。9. 巡守通報6次(處罰有兩件)與媒體行銷(共計10次)。本計畫綜合以上工作之成果,對未來「河川義工培力及巡守專案工作」提出建議:包含河川義工的擴大招募與培力、遊說政府相關單位設立河流巡守報案專線牌、鼓勵地方政府定期將河川管制的資訊公開、促進民間團體巡守經驗交流、持續建立親水步道並發展流域巡守會師、透過培養河岸導覽解說人員推展定時定點解說、跨媒體聯繫進行河川關懷報導與訊息傳遞,以收擴大淡水河守望的能見度。
EngTitle The Volunteer-Training and River-Patrolling Work for Watching and Protecting the Tamshui River
EngAbstract We finished nine main work items in this project:1. To hold a learning seminar on courses in water resource at community colleges.2. To hold six workshops on training volunteers for river patrol of the Tamshui River, training 300 volunteers in total to protect the Tamshui River.3. To set up the Environment Monitoring Communities Collective (EMCC;, routinely posting information of group patrol activities and articles related to the vision workshops held by this project; to promote this platform of free learning and experience interchange to attract more people to use it.4. To survey the trails by the riversides of the Tamshui River and conduct river patrol.5. To set up standard operating procedures of volunteers for river patrol.6. To make promotional brochures of patrolling the Tamshui River.7. To visit the river-related public and private sectors.8. To hold exhibitions of displaying the outcomes of the river patrols on holidays and those on water quality monitoring days.9. To report patrol results and engage in media marketing.This project integrates the outcomes of the work items mentioned above and proposes the following suggestions for similar projects of river volunteers training and river patrol in the future. To broaden the visibility of guarding the Tamshui River, they include recruiting river volunteers on a broader scale and training them, lobbying related governmental units to set up placards of the reporting hotline for river patrol, encouraging local governments to routinely disclose the information of river control, promoting non-governmental groups to exchange experiences, continuing establishing trails by the riversides of the Tamshui River and holding force-joining activities of patrols around the Tamshui River Basin, promoting fixed-time and fixed-spot interpretation by developing personnel of guiding and interpreting work by riversides, and interconnecting with media to report and distribute information of caring for the Tamshui River.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 綠色公民行動聯盟