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Title 跨部會環境水質監測資訊整合計畫(第一階段)
Abstract 政府單位一直以來即積極推動水源的開發與管理,目前全國性環境水質監測作業的所有監測採樣檢驗工作,係將全國分北、中、南三區,分別由合格代檢測公司進行各水體各項水質監測的工作。現階段已經完成了全省河川、水庫、地下水水質及海域的定期監測,並將資料整合至環保署水質資料庫,以供初步統計與分析之用。本計畫藉由資訊管理、網際傳輸以及WebGIS(網際網路地理資訊系統)的技術,在後端提供了完整的水質資料檢核流程功能,將所有監測數據透過一連串的科學化評核機制,如採樣記錄及實驗記錄審查輔助功能、異常數據篩選功能、審查會議輔助功能等等,而提升監測資料的品質及有效管理品保流程;在前端展現方面,除了整合其他機關的水質水量資訊而強化資料流通及應用外,透過電腦資料處理,將空間分布特性、統計分析、水質異常警訊等,以圖形化、親切化之介面展示,更提升了水質監測的決策支援即時性作為決策的參考。本專案達成的目標有:(一) 開發水質監測資料品保、統計分析及GIS應用系統,提昇水質監測資料庫功能。(二) 整合水質監測及地理圖資,提供網際地理資訊系統之互動式查詢及展示介面。(三) 跨部會水質、水量監測資訊的整合,提供展示交流平臺。
EngTitle The Project (I) of the Cross-Departmental Informative Integration Program about Water Monitoring
EngAbstract The exploitation and management of water resources has been the most important policy of government, especially, the monitoring of water quality, divided into northern, central and southern regions, is executed by certified companies. Nowadays, the database of water periodical quality including rivers, reservoirs, groundwater and seas has been collected for years by EPA for elementary statistics and analysis.This system has integrated complete processes of water quality of Quality Assurance/Quality Control via serial science reasonable examination, such as report examination of sampling and laboratory, filtering out of extraordinary data, and assist function of censor meeting to promote the quality and management during the process. Furthermore, the system not only exchanges data from other units also displays the spatial distributing, advanced statistical analysis and unusual warning of water quality with friendly and graphical users’ interface(GUI). All of the information is very valuable and necessary for decision support in time.The goals of this system are1.Accomplish the Quality Assurance/Quality Control process, statistical analysis, GIS application of water quality for enhancing the database.2.Display the sequential and spatial data of water quality in a interactive GIS based on internet technique. 3.Establish an inquiry system and database center including quality and quantity of water among administrations.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 銳俤科技股份有限公司