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Title 車輛排氣粒狀物中多環芳香烴檢測技術建立之研究
Abstract 本計畫之目的為開發柴油引擎車輛排氣中之粒狀物所含之含硝基多環芳香烴及多環芳香烴成分之分析方法。以此分析方法檢測柴油引擎排放粒狀物與周界空氣樣品,其數据將用於對環境人體健康之影響的評估,以作為管制政策之依據。 本方法為以dichloromethane為溶劑,索式萃取空氣樣品十六至二十小時,在萃取前先加入surrogates (internal standards);以無水硫酸鈉及濾紙過濾萃取液、氮氣吹至乾、溶解於DMSO、以正己烷萃出脂肪族化合物、DMSO層溶於水後再以環己烷萃取出極性較高的硝基多環芳香烴碳氫化合物、環己烷層濃縮後再經由高效能液相層析儀將NPAHs與其他基質分離,所有的步驟均於弱光或於使用棕色玻璃器皿中進行。濃縮至乾之沖提液溶於含內標物(recovery standard)之溶液後,以高解析度氣相層析儀-電子捕獲檢測儀或質譜儀進行檢測。 本計畫進行柴油引擎排放粒狀物樣品與周界空氣粒狀物與氣態樣品的檢測。
EngTitle Development of the Analysis method of Nitrated-Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Auto Emission Particles
EngAbstract The project is to develop a method of the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitrated-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (N-PAHs) in diesel engine emission and ambient air particles and gas phase. Data obtained will be used for the assessment of human health and environmental impact.The principle of the method is to extract NPAHs by Soxhlet apparatus for a period of 16 to 20 hours with DCM. Prior to extraction samples are spiked with a solution containing isotopically-labelled NPAHs. The extract is dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate, filtered through filters and blown down to dryness. Samples are redissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and aliphatic compounds are removed from the solution by liquid-liquid extraction with hexane.The DMSO solution is diluted with water and aromatic fraction is extracted from DMSO/water with cyclohexane.The cyclohexane fraction is concentrated and is subjected to the HPLC normal-phase fractionation on an analytical silica column with a gradient of DCM in hexane as a mobile phase. The N-PAH fraction is collected and concentrated to a known small volume for analysis. All procedures are performed under subdued yellow light and samples are placed in amber glassware or wrapped in foil as NPAH are light sensitive.Qualitative/quantitative analysis for N-PAHs is performed with a high-resolution gas chromatograph-electron capture detector or mass spectrometer (HRGC-ECD or MS). Quantification is based on the use of surrogates (isotopically-labelled compounds added before sample workup) as internal standards. An isotopically-labelled standards, added to sample extracts immediately before analysis, serve as recovery standards for the quantification of surrogate recovery.The developed method was applied to the analysis of diesel engine emission particulate matter and ambient air particle/gas phase samples.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 徐永源 謝建台