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Title 九十四年度推動全國水肥妥善清理計畫
Abstract 本年度(94)本計畫依工作要求完成相關工作成果,簡要說明如下:1.針對各縣市156處火車站、43處客運公司、30處監獄及11處航空站等單位進行水肥清理現況調查、水肥產生量調查及流向掌握。2.為協助各縣市落實水肥產生量與清理量的掌握,參考台北市與台中市的執行經驗,研擬水肥源頭管理機制,對於列管對象分批實施聯單申報。3.對於既有的5座水肥處理廠進行處理現況了解與執行兩階段10場次的檢測,藉以評估其處理性能,並提出缺失改善建議。4.除既有水肥處理廠外,提出工業區污水處理廠、垃圾掩埋場滲出水(含水肥)處理廠、下水道污水處理廠附設水肥投入站等替代處理設施之相關資訊做為縣市規劃水肥處理設施之參考。5.目前因大部份縣市現有的水肥處理設施不足,除台北市的設施餘裕量較大,可以提供作為協助臨近區域如基隆市、台北縣新店、三重、汐止與永和等處理水肥,故現階段水肥跨區清理計畫仍難推動。6.水肥水質因含低固體量、高水份,較難單獨進行堆肥化處理,宜與其他有機廢棄物混合再利用,如與廚餘混合進行厭氧消化產生沼氣發電的生質能源應用。7.為解決水肥處理設施不足、清運路線遠與清除處理成本高的問題,可於農業縣或偏遠鄉鎮的既有掩埋場補助設置符合法規要求的水肥加熱、腐熟與消毒設備,水肥經處理後可提供作為農地再利用用途。8.根據縣市訪查現況提出相關管制法規檢討、修法建議及水肥清除處理流向管制機制。9.邀集專家學者到25縣市環保局進行訪視輔導水肥管制執行成效,並提供改善方案。10.建置「全國各縣市水肥妥善清理推動計畫管考系統」,各縣市提報計畫內容與工作事項規劃進度,並由承辦人員每季填報執行成果,藉以追蹤各縣市水肥清理推動計畫之執行進度。11.於台北、桃園、彰化、台中及高雄分別舉辦5場次教育宣導說明會,落實水肥清運業者正確清理觀念。綜觀目前各縣市對於水肥管理的主要問題,則是水肥處理設施不足,無法提供清運業者做為合法去處,連帶可能影響包括清除機構合法化輔導與水肥妥善清理工作的推動,因此補助各縣市及協助規劃水肥處理設施,應是環保署目前推動水肥管理的首要重點工作,另外對於水肥替代方案的推動,環保署也將積極整合現有資源並協調其他部會協助來解決此水肥問題。
EngTitle The promotion plan for night-soil appropriate treatment
EngAbstract The accomplishments within this project (year 2005) were briefly listed as the followings:1.Night-soil quantity generation and flow tracking survey was conducted in 156 train stations, 43 public transportation companies, 30 prisons, and 11 airport terminals domestically. 2.To assist each agency clearly controls the night-soil quantity generation and disposal quantity, we referred to the executive experiences in Taipei and Taichung to create night-soil generation source management mechanism, and separated enlisting target businesses into different stages for manifest reporting. 3.We studied the existing 5 night-soil treatment facilities, in terms of executive condition by 10 analyses, and suggested improvement strategy.4.We offered relevant information regarding industrial sewage treatment facilities, leachate (including night-soil) treatment facilities for landfill, night-soil sewage pipe within sewage treatment facilities to the responsible agencies for planning night-soil treatment facilities. 5.Most local night-soil treatment facilities have limited treatment capacities, except Taipei City. Keelung, Sindian, Sanchong, Hsichih, and Yonghe are available to offer limited assistance on treating night-soil; hence cross-region disposal is not suitable in the existing condition.6.Night-soil contains low solid content, high water content, and hard to use it as fertilizer alone. It is suitable to mix night-soil with other organic waste, like mixing with kitchen residue to generate methane gas for electricity generation.7.To resolve the problem of limited availability of night-soil treatment facility, long disposal route, and high cost, establish night-soil heating and disinfection equipment in existing landfill located in rural and agriculture area will offer a resolution. 8.Provide suggestions for the amendment and review of relative regulations, management mechanism according to the survey conducted locally. 9.Invite scholars to 25 local environmental agencies to supervise the effectiveness of the night-soil management, and provide improvement suggestions. 10.Establish “Night-soil Proper Disposal Promotion Auditing System” to let the responsible personnel report predetermined executive schedule, content, and result of operation quarterly, in order to trace progress of the operation. 11.Five training sessions were held in Taipei, Taoyuan, Changhua, Taichung and Kaoshiung to convey correct night-soil disposal operation principles.The major problem facing by the night-soil disposal is limited availability of the night-soil treatment facility. IT will be difficult to promote proper disposal and legitimatize the disposal facilities. Subsidizing each local agency and establish night-soil treatment facility is the most important resolution. Also, EPA will actively integrate the existing resource and other central competent authorities to resolve the problem.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 工研院環安中心