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Title 車用汽柴油油品查驗及空氣污染防制費查核
Abstract 1、辦理車用汽柴油空氣污染防制費之受理申報、審查及催補件作業,共計催補繳空污費72萬元整,並將每月業者申報車用汽柴油空氣污染防制費金額及審查後認定之應繳金額彙整製表,由會技師簽證後提送環保署,徵收之車用汽柴油空氣污染防制費計10.45億元。2、抽驗完成306個汽油及203個柴油之製造廠油槽與加油站樣品的採樣與分析,確定油公司製造及加油站販售之油品符合「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」規定。3、邀集國內油品專家學者、製造、販售業者辦理「車用汽柴油改善技術研討會」,提供雙向溝通管道,以利提昇國內油品品質,提供更潔淨車用燃料。4、辦理完成「車用汽柴油採樣查核訓練」,有效提昇地方環保單位之車用汽柴油採樣稽查能力,並有助於後續油品管制政策之持續與推動。5、整理並分析國內外油品管制相關規定,作為加強規劃修訂「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」及「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」之評估依據。
EngTitle Monitoring the Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Quality and Auditing the Air Pollution Control Fee
EngAbstract The auditing of air pollution fee collected from gasoline/diesel during Jan. to Nov. 2005 were completed and the results were quite satisfied. The total quantity of gasoline and diesel are 8.7 millions and 3.65 millions kiloliter. The air pollution fee attributed to gasoline and diesel are 680 and 365 million NT$. CPC need to pay 720 thousand NT$ for amendment. 306 gasoline and 203 diesel random samples, taken from fuel storages and gas stations, were analyzed. The comparison of quality of fuels between fuel storages and gas stations were no difference. Two workshops “Gasoline and diesel quality improvement and sampling training course” have been hold. Many people join these workshops include industrial, expertise, professor etc. It’s help to discuss many subjects about gasoline and diesel and to give chance to improve the ability of Implementing of Agency. This project revised data bank of “Measures of collection of air pollution fee” and “Control Standard of characteristic and performance on gasoline/diesel for vehicle use”.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院化學工業研究所