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Title 河川水質淨化工法設計研究計畫
Abstract 經蒐集環保署補助26處以上不同工法河川水質淨化場址監測實驗分析資料,並配合美、日國家諸多案例資料蒐集,及日本學者(本橋敬之助與尾崎保夫)來台(5/26台日河川水質淨化工法設計操作維護研討會)作實務經驗交流,建議台灣水質淨化工法設計操作與維護考量如下:1.本土性設計參數,在不同工法對BOD與NH4+的生物分解係數(Kv,單位:1/day)建議值:表面流人工濕地為0.32與0.26;礫間接觸氧化處理為0.65與0.19;地下滲濾工法為0.11與0.06。2.表面流人工濕地適合處理BOD與SS濃度範圍為4~60mg/l與40~200mg/l。礫間接觸氧化處理宜應用在小面積、大流量、水中SS濃度<30mg/l的場址。地下滲濾工法因有土壤濾床果效,可處理BOD濃度50mg/l以上,但若其水力停滯時間超過一日,則容易造成阻塞。3.選擇具水質淨化成效與耐暴雨及颱風沖刷之水生植物種類為:覆瓦狀莎草、香蒲、田字草、開卡蘆、高野黍、荸薺,其栽種間距建議在0.8~1.0公尺。4.在河川水質淨化工法設計之選擇,應以所需處理的水量、處理場址的面積、來源水質的特性為主要考量三個指標。5.對未來三年水質淨化工法規劃方向,建議透過本土性設計參數與評估模式建立,並整合國外引進的技術,編定「水質淨化生態工法設計及施工規範」為目標。
EngTitle Study of Purification Technology to Improve Stream Water Quality
EngAbstract Based on the experimental analysis of the 26 stream water natural purification sites funded by EPA of Taiwan, numerous case studies of USA and Japan, and the sharing/exchanging experiences by Japanese scholars Keinosuke MOTOHASHI and Yasuo Ozaki, who were the keynote speakers on the symposium on May 26th, we proposed the operation and management of natural purification technology of stream water quality as the followings:1.Regarding the local parameter, Kv ( 1/day), the BOD and NH4+ proposed value for FWS/SSF artificial wetlands was 0.32 and 0.26; SSF was 0.65 and 0.19; and underground filter tank was 0.11 and 0.06, respectively.2.The treatment range of FWS/SSF artificial wetland for BOD and SS is 4~60mg/l and 40~200mg/l, respectively. SSF system is best applied to sites with small area, large flow, and SS<30mg/l. The underground filter tank can treat BOD>50mg/l, however, if its HRT is longer than 1day, clogging may occur.3.Taken the influence of rainstorms and typhoons into consideration, six species of aquatic plants best suitable for the constructed wetlands are: Cyperus imbricatus, Typha angustifolia L., Marsilea minuta, Phragmites vallatoria, Eriochloa prrocera Retz, and Eleocharis dulcis. The planting interval is recommended between 0.8 and 1.0 meter.4.Regarding the design options, it should consider three factors:treatment water capacity, area of the treatment site, and water quality of the inflow and outflow.5.As for the strategy for the next three years on the stream water natural purification technology, it is recommended that with local parameters, model assessment, and integrating the technology from abroad, to compile and edit “water purification by ecological engineering design and construction handbook”.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系 張文亮