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Title 事業排放水汞污染排放調查計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署為掌握國內汞污染情況,優先針對事業之潛在含汞廢污水中之汞含量展開清查,並期望將具體成果落實並研擬有效之汞污染削減目標及方案,以降低環境危害。為此,特擬定「事業排放水汞污染排放調查計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)進行前期作業,希研擬透過源頭管制、加強稽查與環境中移除汞污染源之三階段可行方式,逐步消除環境中總汞物質危害。本計畫共選定經環保署認定之可疑汞污染含量較大之50處事業對象做調查,並依行業別及地區性做分類,以進行各事業單位潛在含汞廢(污)水處理設備現況調查、使用情況及現場水質採樣,並以調查之結果及採樣數據分析結果來擬定總汞水污染量削減控制目標及建議措施。希望藉由各項調查成果及建議措施,促使用汞事業單位在汞物質使用上能妥善管理及處理,以防止環境遭受污染。
EngTitle Investigation project of mercury contamination in industrial wastewater discharge
EngAbstract In order to clearly understand the degree of the mercury pollution at Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Taiwan made an emphasis on the investigation of the mercury concentrations of the potentially mercury-polluted wastewater discharged by certain enterprises. EPA expects to carry out the results of the investigation and plan a practical method to effectively reach the goal of deduction of mercury pollution to lessen its threat to the environment. For doing so, our group draft “The investigation of the mercury-polluted wastewater discharging enterprises”. To carry out this project, we plan to categorize the initial phase into three workable step by step the control of the discharging origins, the emphasis on the investigation and the removal of the mercury pollutants from the environment, to eliminate the threat by the total mercury pollutants to the environment step by step.This project targeted 50 enterprises (list confirmed by EPA of Taiwan), which allegedly produce higher amount of mercury pollution, for investigation. It also categorizes those enterprises according to the type of industries they belong to and their locating regions. It aims to investigate the current usage conditions of the mercury-contained wastewater treatment equipment of the targeted enterprises, as well as their water quality testings. In addition, the results of the investigation and the analysis of the water quality testings can be utilized for planning the strategic goals of lessening the total mercury pollution and can provide useful suggestions. The investigation results as well as the suggestions can hopefully be used to prompt the mercury-using enterprises to properly handle and manage mercury-related materials, to prevent the environment from being polluted.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司