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Title 94年度環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫
Abstract 1. 年度內承接並完成完成檢測機構許可申請案件文件審查40件次,完成81件次,達成率203%。2. 年度內承接並完成檢測機構許可申請案件系統評鑑50件次,完成50件次,達成率100%。3. 年度內承接並完成檢測機構許可申請案件盲樣測試70件次,完成88件次,達成率126%。4. 年度內承接並完成檢測機構許可申請案件術科考試50件次,完成79件次,達成率158%。5. 年度內承接並完成召開檢測機構評鑑技術委員會10次,完成10次,達成率100%。6. 年度內承接並完成發送水質水量檢測類等相關類別盲樣測試樣品計及其複測2梯次,完成2梯次,達成率100%。7. 辦理許可檢驗室許可項目及環保機關盲樣發送及盲樣測試結果數據分析工作3500項次,完成5,032項次,達成率144%。8. 舉辦環境檢測機構業者座談會1場次,完成1場次,達成率100%。9. 舉辦現場評鑑專家與評鑑技術委員之評鑑技術研討會1場次,完成1場次,達成率100%。10.更新主管機關檢測機構管理系統之檢測機構基本資料、許可、處分資料60件次,完成121件次,達成率=202%。11.更新主管機關檢測機構管理系統之人員異動資料200筆,完成1127筆,達成率564%。
EngAbstract 1.Combined with last year’s unfinished cases, a total of 137 effective submittals in the year of 2005, only 16 cases were scheduled and unfinished. Among these 137 effective submittals, 81 cases of examination have been undertook and completed by these project team respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, additional test items and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.2.39 cases of arrangement and preparation for system assessment have been undertook and completed respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, relocation of laboratory, and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.3.88 cases of blind test have been undertook and completed respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, relocation of laboratory, additional test items and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.4.79 cases of arrangement and preparation for technical examination have been undertook and completed respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, relocation of laboratory, and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.5.10 technical committee meetings for test laboratories assessment have been Completed.6.Held one seminar for test laboratories: The seminar for test laboratories was held on December .2th, 2005.7.Held one seminar on assessment technology participated by site assessment experts and technical members. This seminal was held on September 15th-16th.8.Updated 121 lots of data on Environmental Test Laboratories Information System, test laboratories on permit and disposition.9.Updated 1,127 lots of date on changed personnel from test laboratories as approved by National Institute of Environmental Analysis. 611 newly retained laboratories staffs and 516 laboratories staffs have resigned.10.Completed 5,032 items in two stages on permit items for approved laboratories, dispatch of blind tests and blind test results data analysis of environmental laboratories. A total of 1,654 items for the first routine blind test in the current fiscal year has been dispatched and 74 of them were failed. With a total of 3,378 items for the second routine blind test and 119 of them were failed.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司