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Title 工業區專用污水下水道系統管理評比及輔導計畫
Abstract 目前台灣地區已開發完成之工業區計超過一百處,其中有四十九個工業區設有污水處理廠,分別由行政院國科會、經濟部工業局、及相關縣市政府設置管理單位進行管理,污水處理廠之管理成效也因主管機關不同而不同。由於工業區內事業較為集中,所產生之污染亦更形集中,對承受水體環境而言,實為一重大之污染來源。加以目前已開發之工業區除少數專業區外,其餘大都為綜合性工業區,事業性質複雜,產生之廢(污)水性質亦甚為複雜,造成廢水處理廠操作、維護、管理及管制上產生諸多問題,諸如具污染性工廠前處理未符合標準,未將廢水預先達到規定限值即納入污水處理廠,致使污水處理廠功能失調;具污染性工廠因無法達到污水處理廠對於入流水質之前處理規定,未納入聯合污水處理廠處理,經通知改善未果,致拒絕其廢水排入污水處理廠後逕將其廢(污)水排入雨水下水道造成嚴重污染等。所以環保署在水污染防治工作上視其為一大污染源,並列為現階段重點管制工作及進行管制,為提高管制成效及克服目前管制上之瓶頸,今年環保署辦理「工業區專用污水下水道系統管理評比及輔導計畫」,目的是為了持續推動工業區廢水管制計畫,加強雨水下水道稽查及區內事業前處理管理,落實整個專用下水道系統管理。本年度計畫主要之工作目標為完成全國49工業區專用污水下水道系統廢水處理設施及整體管理成效評比及輔導,並公佈評比結果。完成全國49處工業區評比問題及缺失診斷,提出全國工業區專用下水道系統整體管制方案評析與建議,並協助追蹤督導及會商各相關單位研議執行。
EngTitle The evaluation and guidance plan of the specified wastewater sever system of industrial parks
EngAbstract The industrial parks explorted nowadays in Taiwan are over 100,among which 49 have established wastewater treatment plants and are governed respectively by National Science Council of Executive Yuan, Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affairs, and administrative authorities related of counties or cities. As the enterprises are comparatively concentrated in industrial parks, and as a result , their wastewater become great polluting sources. In addition, because, except few specified ones , the nations of enterprised are complicated, and wastewater are also consequently . All these cause many difficulties in operation, maintenance, administrations and controls, for example , the pre-treatment of polluting factories don’t match the standards ,or the wastewater in consistent with the regulated values are conducted into wastewater treatment plants, so the function of them fail. furthermore, polluting factories, being below pre-treatment regulations of wastewater-recycling factories, and not accepted into united wastewater treatment plants, though notified, have no improvement and refuse to conduct wastewaters into wastewater treatment plants but instand conduct into storm-water sever system, and consequently cause heavy pollution. Environmental Protection Administration, therefore, regard water-pollution-prevention as a being focused work and must be put into practice. In order to upgrade the result of controls and conquer the bottle-neck, Environment Protection Administration, this year, bring forwared「the evaluation and guidance plan of the specified wastewater sever system of industrial parks」,in the hope that the wastewater control plan in industrial parks is promoted continuously , that the inspection of storm-water sewer and the pre-treatment of enterprises are strengthened, and that the administration of total specified sever system is really put into action. The main purpose of this year’s plan is the accomplishment of establishment of wastewater sever system, the evaluation of total administration and guidance, and the publication of results of evaluation. The evaluation and defects-diagnoses of the 49 industrial parks accomplished, Environment Protection Administration can bring forward the evaluation and suggestion of total control plan and offer continual help to guide and urge the units related to do researches and put them in execution.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 鋒騰科技有限公司