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Title 溫泉廢水管理前置計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署配合溫泉法公布,並因應全國溫泉區近二分之一位於水源水質水量保護區情形。藉由本計畫進行研擬相關溫泉業環保法規管理草案,作為溫泉業廢水管理制度及措施制訂的方向,以維護溫泉區河川水質、自然生態,並使業者永續經營。本計畫目前完成與溫泉業有關之環保法規及草案為1.水污染防治法事業分類及定義(已於94年12月6日進行公告)2.事業水污染防治措施管理辦法部分條文修正草案3.事業水污染防治措施計畫申請審查辦法修正草案條文4.應先檢具水污染防治措施計畫之事業種類、範圍及規模修正草案條文。溫泉業之定義已於94年12月6日進行公告,正式納入環保管理之事業。其他相關水污染防制法之草案,目前正在陸續研擬中,預計於95年正式公告,最遲於96年7月31日進行管理。本計畫依照93年度擬定溫泉廢水管制方式,鼓勵溫泉業者採用分管排放,將其中水量較大的單純泡湯廢水,採取處理設施進行管理,單純泡湯廢水除水溫須符合放流水標準(目前事業廢水水污染管理辦法,僅針對水溫進行管制,但為使業者確實維護及操作設備,建議增加管制COD及大腸桿菌群兩項水質項目),若排放至原屬地面水體,即可進行排放;若排放至非原屬地面水體者,需所有放流水水質項目皆處理至符合放流水標準才可進行排放。並依照所排放之水域,僅規範需經簡易水處理設施處理後即可排放,藉以鼓勵溫泉業者朝分管排放方式處理溫泉廢水,期有效降低溫泉區之河川污染負荷及生態影響。
EngTitle hot spring water quality to construct a protocol of environmental regulations concerning
EngAbstract In compliance to the promulgation of the Hot Spring Act and in response to the close proximity of almost half of the domestic hot spring areas to the drinking water source quality and quantity protection areas, the Environmental Protection Agency in Executive Yuan proceeds to construct a protocol of environmental regulations concerning hot spring industry through this project. The protocol will direct the establishment of waste water management programs and measures in the hot spring industry in order to preserve the water quality and natural ecology of rivers in the hot spring areas and to promote the sustainable management of the industry.In this project, the currently completed environmental regulations and protocols concerning hot spring industry are:1.Industry categorizations and definitions in the Water Pollution Control Act (which were announced in December 6, 2005),2.Protocol amendment clauses (partial) of the management program in the Water Pollution Control Measures for industries,3.Protocol amendment clauses of application and evaluation in the Water Pollution Control Measure Program for industries, and4.Protocol amendment clauses of the advance implementation inspection of Water Pollution Control Measure Program for the application and alteration of industry type, scope, and size.In December 6, 2005, the definition of hot spring industry has been announced to be included formally in the environmental management industries. Other related protocols of water pollution control regulations are being drafted at this time. They are estimated to be announced in 2006, and to be executed no later than July 31, 2007.According to the hot spring waste water control framework, this project encourages owners of hot spring businesses to adopt dividing pipe discharge to handle the greater amount of purely bathing waste water with treatment facilities. The purely bathing waste water either has to meet the temperature, COD, and coliform standards for effluent or it has to be discharged to its original surface water body. If it is discharged to water bodies other than its original surface water body, it has to be treated to meet all the effluent water quality standards before it can be discharged. Depend upon the discharge watershed, regulations can allow discharge to be made after simple water treatment is applied in order to encourage owners of hot spring businesses to move toward dividing pipe discharge in treating hot spring waste water. This is done in the hope of effectively reducing the pollution loads and ecological impacts in rivers in the hot spring areas.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學環境工程學研究所