column value
Title 推動編列綠色國民所得帳計畫
Abstract 綠色國民所得帳是一套整合環境與經濟之社會會計帳,它以數字帳的方式表現出環境與經濟之間的關係。藉由綠色國民所得帳的估算可提醒大眾在耗損或破壞環境資源及自然生態時社會所需付出之代價,進而使大眾思考如何在不破壞自然環境的前提下,利用有限資源發展經濟。本計畫根據管制中心資料加以編撰而得廢棄物質損帳如下表所示,並藉以了解廢棄物污染與經濟活動間之關係,及衡量廢棄物產生對經濟所造成之損失,進而提出有效的廢棄物污染防治措施建議。
EngTitle Promote and compile the green account plan of national income
EngAbstract Green National Income(Green NI) is a social accounting balance explaining there lationship between environment and economic. Green NI tells us the social cost would have to pay on the environment damage and nature resource lost if the society arbitrary consumes the environment and natural resource. The Green NI will remind public to wisely utilize the limited resource to have economic development under the consideration of preserve natural resource. The following table is made according to the data issued by the Waste Control Center. This table will offer us an insight on waste pollution vs. economicactivities, and the capital lost incurred by the waste generation. Effective strategy of waste pollution prevention will be inspired by consulting the following tables.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 晶淨科技股份有限公司