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Title 九十四年度推動環保標章及第二類環境保護產品專案工作計畫
Abstract 環保標章是國際性活動,被視為一種利用市場機能,鼓勵企業改善產品環保績效的經濟工具,也是推廣綠色消費運動的一種重要手段。依據國際標準組織(ISO)所公告之ISO 14024標準之定義,第一類環保標章是自發性、多重準則、經第三者驗證之計畫。對於在某類產品項目(product category)中,具有整體環境優越性(overall environmental preferability)之產品,頒發專用之標章。使用專用標章之目的在強調「獲得標章的產品是最優良的產品,消費者看到標章即可安心購買」。行政院環境保護署於1992年8月訂頒「環保標章推動使用作業要點」,促成我國環保標章制度於1993年中之正式推出。此制度鼓勵消費者採購具有可回收、低污染及省資源等環保特性之產品,並使得政府機關在採購綠色產品時,具有明確之優先選擇項目。環保標章計畫實施至今已經十三年,已開放94項產品規格標準以供申請,分為低污染、可回收及省資源等三大項目。至2005年的12月為止,計有2986件產品獲頒標章,標章的使用總枚數則超過45億枚,估計價值超過650億元。為提供誘因以促使廠商申請並使用環保標章,行政院自2001年7月起展開「機關綠色採購推動方案」,在92年度起指定產品項目部分設定60%的採購目標,並建置績效評核機制以追蹤成果。由於此一法制化之推動機制,環保標章產品之銷售數量已明顯增加,預計民國95年之指定採購項目將達到34項,指定採購比率將為80%。
EngTitle Promotion of GreenMark Ecolabelling Program and Certification of Type II Environmentally Preferrable Product.
EngAbstract Environmental labeling is an international activity. It is considered an economic instrument to encourage the industries to improve their environmental performance and an important measure to promote green consumption. Based on the ISO 14024 standard, Type I environmental labeling is a voluntary program with multiple requirements and third-party certification. Type I program gives a patented logo to product (including services) proved to have an overall environmental preferability. The use of a patented logo gives out the notion to the general consumers that “These labeled products are the best green products within a specific product category. Therefore you may choose them without doubt.”The Environmental Protection Administration started the Green Mark program in Taiwan in August 1992 and finalized the procedures in the end of 1993. The Environment and Development Foundation (EDF) had been the certification body of this program since then. Up until now, there are 88 product criteria developed and published for application. These criteria may be categorized into three major groups: Low pollution, resource-saving and recyclable. There are a total of 2986 labeled products and the number of logo use has already exceeded 4.5 billion which is equivalent to an estimated production value of more than 65 billion NT.In order to provide incentive to the manufacturers to apply for the use of the logo, the executive branch of the ROC government, the Executive Yuan also promulgated the Plan for Implementing Green Procurement by Government Agencies in July 2001 and has since established performance evaluation rules and mechanism for the evaluation of performance. In 2003,the plan mandates that green products purchased in each designated product category should be at least 60% of purchase amount in that category for each agency. As Green Mark labelled products are recognized as environmentally preferable products by the government’s green procurement legislation, the above measures have significantly increased the sale of ecolabelled products.In 2006, the number of designated product category will be 34 and the goal will be 80%.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會