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Title 九十四年環保共識網路論壇
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容包括:一、篩選環保議題,二、建置共識網站,及三、辦理1場環保共識會議。共識網站針對4項核定議題進行跟隨討論,由1位主談教授及10位與談人共同參與,其中1題經核定後作為環保共識會議之討論議題,環保共識會議尤為本計畫之最主要任務,為匯集民意所辦理的審議式型態會議。執行本計畫需事先挑選適合的環保議題,進一步架設論壇網站開放網友對議題發表意見,每項議題約有200篇討論文章,其中第1項議題經挑選核定為共識會議的題目,題目為「您是否贊成立法制定管制溫室氣體排放法令,以順應京都議定書之全球趨勢?」共識會議隨機篩選20位一般非專業民眾參與,經4星期日上課討論,全程參與共17名,最後完成「共識結論報告」,其主要結論為「為減緩地球溫暖化效應、維護環境生態永續發展,並避免我國遭受可能經濟制裁,我們強調應採取積極預警及預防之態度來順應『京都議定書』之全球趨勢,並儘可能將其內容「內國法化」。我們亦認為,積極制訂一個以溫室氣體減量為對象的法律有其必要性,以宣示我們的決心,並同時建立法制化規範機制,以作為全民依循之根本。」公佈結論報告採記者會型式,約有10篇平面媒體報導此次會議,其內容多屬正面報導,成果豐碩並可作為後續環保政策之參考。
EngTitle Environmental Consensus Internet Forum in 2005
EngAbstract This project could be divided as 3 major parts:(1) To select the proper environmental issues (2) To construct a web site forum for these issues (3) To hold a environmental consensus conference. This is the second time to hold a environmental consensus conference in Taiwan. The purpose is to form a bottom up strategy for collecting opinions from the laypeople. For preparing the conference, to select proper issues and construct a web site forum is necessary for better warm-up and clear focus. At the beginning of this project, many issues are discussed, then, four of then were selected as the priorities on the web forum. After assessment and approval, the 1st issue concentrated more attentions from people who visited the web forum. Therefore, this issue titled “Do you agree to control the green house gases by enforcement for the compliance to the Kyoto Protocol?” was selected to be the issue of the consensus conference. This conference was held through 4 Sundays from Oct.16 to Nov.6. Seventeen laypeople attend the whole conference. After 4 days education and discussion, they finally made a decision report about this issue. Their main point is: 「For mitigating the green house effect, safeguarding the environmental ecology to sustainability, and prevent our country from suffering the possible economic sanctions. We emphasize to adopt the attitude of precaution and prevention to complying with the "Kyoto Protocol". Also, as much as possible to interior it’s content to the national law. We consider it is essential to regulate a new law typically for controlling the green house gases. This could set up our minds on this issue, formulate the basic legal mechanism, also to be a basic guideline that all the people may clearly to follow.」There are about 10 news reports related to this decision report. All are positive and affirmative. The consensus conference become a new model which not only to collect the information from laypeople but also a good reference for the government to make better decisions.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會