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Title 柴油汽車第五期排放標準訂定專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫廣泛蒐集歐、美、日等國家相關的柴油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車排放標準、管制措施及測試方法,以及引擎製造廠對應未來法規的技術發展資訊。根據上述資訊,擬定排放標準草案,草案適用於小客車、輕型貨車及重型柴油引擎,建議內容包含排放標準值、油品規範、實施時程、測試方法及相關測試設備要求。主要成果:1.召開研商會,針對草案內容與業者進行意見交換。2.擬訂五期標準草案,採用歐美雙軌制度並行,引進歐盟2008年EURO V及美國2007年的排放標準,並配合國外趨勢導入車上診斷系統(OBD)管制。3.完成國內現有污染測試設備與歐美日各國法規對測試設備要求之差異分析。4.針對車輛配置電子車身穩定裝置、限制轉速功能及恆定四輪驅動裝置等,提出柴油汽車排煙檢測程序修定建議。5.完成五期標準實施後對於車輛產業的衝擊分析及環境污染減量評估。其他建議:1.配合排放標準的實施,提前供應市售無硫柴油(S≦10ppm)給消費者。並應著手規劃後處理器添加劑(如尿素等)配銷、儲存與安全防護等相關事項。2.未來可結合動力檢測站,逐漸導入OBD檢測實施定期檢查制度。3.應建立與設備製造廠的聯繫窗口,持續蒐集設備昇級或更新的可能性,並同步籌措設備採購經費,以備未來之需。
EngTitle Project for Diesel Vehicle fifth emission standards
EngAbstract This project with the extensively collected information of emission standards, control measures and testing methods of diesel and alternative fuel engine vehicle from European , U.S. and Japan, and the technology development information from diesel engine manufactures, we analyze and reference the above information and then to draft proposal for diesel vehicle stage 5 emission standards. The stage 5 standards apply to passenger car, light-duty diesel trucks and heavy-duty diesel engine. The new regulatory proposals cover exhaust emission standards, fuel requirement, practice schedule and testing methods. Testing equipment suggestion for stage 5 standards will also be included. Main achievements:1.We held seminars and had adequate and fruitful communication and discussion with manufactures.2.The diesel vehicle stage 5 emission standards , not only refers to European 2008 EURO 5 emission standards and U.S. 2007 heavy-duty engine emission standards, but also adopt OBD (On-Board Diagnostic) regulations.3.We accomplished the analysis about the difference between domestic testing equipments and abroad equipments.4.We proposed the diesel vehicle smoke testing procedure for those equipped with VAS (Vehicle Stability Assist) or 4WD(four wheel drive).5.We completed the analysis of possible impact on the environmental contamination and domestic economic in case of practicing the diesel vehicle stage 5 emission standards.Other suggestions:1.At the same time of taking effect The diesel vehicle stage 5 emission standards, government shall also supply sulfur-free diesel fuel to consumers. In addition, the delivery, storage and safety requirements of reagent (e.g. urea) requirement for exhaust aftertreatment system should also put into consideration.2.To introduce OBD inspection program that combine future in-use diesel vehicle emission periodical test program by chassis dynamometer smoke test station.3.To set up contact windows with testing equipment manufactures for continually collecting information of equipment upgrades, and search possible funds resources for testing equipment at the same time.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人車輛研究測試中心