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Title 民眾參與河川污染巡守推動計畫
Abstract 為協助及加速大台南地區河川污染整治計畫,行政院環境保護署於90年起以委託或合作計畫方式,由長榮大學聯合流域內大專院校、團體、社區執行一系列民眾參與計畫,其目的在:(1)與流域內各團體建立河川保育的夥伴關係;(2)建立河川志工監測及巡守制度;(3)促進民眾團體與環保行政人員之溝通;(4)促進民眾流域環境保護觀念。本計畫延續90年環保署「鼓勵民眾參與二仁溪河川保育」、91年「二仁溪、將軍溪志工巡守及檢舉機制推動」、92年「推動二仁溪、鹽水溪、將軍溪三流域河川巡守工作」、93年「推動民眾參與河川污染巡守計畫」等計畫,持續運作於長榮大學設立之「河川保育中心」,此中心負有計畫推廣、溝通、志工培訓及計畫成效評估等功能,目前計有七所大專院校、八個環保團體、二個社區、四所國小、一所高中及一個電台加入本計畫,各自依其地域及特性,志願進行河川巡守、水質監測、環境教育或計畫推廣工作。今年度由本計畫共同主持人孫逸民教授另爭取台南市志工巡守計畫,並重點發展鹽水溪沿岸社區、學校、村里組成巡守隊,目前已成立十四隊,志工人數約300人。本計畫主持人洪慶宜助理教授協助培訓台南縣河川巡守隊,目前已成立八隊,志工人數約170人。加上河川保育中心原23個單位志工,人數近600人。今年度重點工作在:(1)持續推動民眾參與水環境巡守及污染檢舉通報;(2)志工巡守與河川保育觀念之推廣;(3)辦理志工電子報以促進志工單位間之聯繫;(4)協助民眾了解政府河川整治作為;(5)推動志工巡守網路通報模式;(6)編撰製作志工宣導教材、手冊及光碟。於「持續推動民眾參與水環境巡守及污染檢舉通報」方面,協助環保署召開污染管制會議,並與縣市環保局、督察大隊溝通污染源,協助發覺及管制污染源包含三爺溪紅色污染、五空橋拾荒老人、二仁溪河岸廢電路板、台南市水肥處裡場、和順工業區電鍍廢水污染、肉品市場污染。於「志工巡守與河川保育觀念之推廣」方面,協助鹽水溪社區、學校組成嘉南大圳河川環境教育守護聯盟、建置兼具推廣教育之河川保育中心空間、協助台南縣市成立河川巡守隊、主動辦理或受邀之志工巡守培訓14場;於「辦理志工電子報以促進志工單位間之聯繫」方面,正常出刊至十二月號(23期),今年度共編製12期;於「協助民眾了解政府河川整治作為」方面,結合台江文化促進會辦理「守護河川、守護家園─94年南部河川巡守志工大會暨台江文化季」,以室內志工表揚活動及室外學習站的方式,在嘉南大圳旁的海佃國小及堤岸旁道路舉辦,擴大邀集南台灣七縣市河川巡守志工及附近民眾約600多人參與;於「推動志工巡守網路通報模式」方面,年初已辦理說明、示範教學,並已於6月將網頁管理移交社區大學負責,截至11月各志工團體上網登錄193筆,其中120筆有水質監測資料;於「編撰製作志工宣導教材、手冊及光碟」方面,已完成初版,宣導光碟並已於94年南部河川巡守志工大會、台南縣河川巡守隊授旗暨培訓會上播放。此一系列計畫已建立一民眾參與河川污染整治的架構,透過民眾的巡守及污染通報,協助環保單位管制水污染源;透過污染管制會議,民眾提供地區環境特性資料及對河川整治之意見,進而參與整治策略之建議。因為近四年來河川保育中心及所聯合的志工團體的嘗試及成功經驗,目前在環保署推動河川整治的工作中,已納入此志工巡守策略。在各縣市已多自組水環境志工巡守隊,並今年度環保署首以二仁溪做示範,邀集縣市民選首長簽署河川願景宣言,下一階段的民眾參與工作,除了再落實志工巡守工作外,需深耕到水環境教育、水質淨化設施認養及民眾參與流域整治策略等層面,如此方能更廣泛深植河川守護理念,進而以民間力量監督縣市政府,落實河川整治宣言。故,我們建議未來需著手推動的民眾參與工作為:(1)持續運作河川保育中心,強化政府─環保社團、社區─學校三邊對河川保育的策略聯盟;(2)編撰適用於各級學校的水環境教育教材及系統;(3)培訓熱心居民、教師參與水質淨化設施的研究及認養;(4)建立民間參與流域決策及監督的機制。
EngTitle Promotion of public participation in river cleanup projects
EngAbstract A public participation framwork has been established as a measure to assist pollution control in the watershed managmenet programs for the rivers of the Great Tainan Area since 2002. These watersheds include Erhjen, Yenshui and Chiangchun rivers, which were declared as the Priority Cleanup Rivers by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. The objectives of the public participation program are: (1) to form a partnership among various groups of people for river restoration; (2) to establish a river volunteer monitoring and patrolling mechanism; (3) to promote communications among stakeholders through various meetings and volunteer training courses; (4) to raise a general awareness on watershed environmental protection. This project is the 4th year of the public participation program. In 2002, the first year of the long-term program, an office named “River Restoration Center” was established under a joined project between Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) and Chang Jung Christian University. The center functions as promotion, communication, volunteer training, and progress evaluation for the program. Seven universities, eight environmental NGOs, two communities, four elementary schools, one high school, and one radio station have signed on as the volunteer groups for river patrolling, water quality monitoring, environmental education, and/or program broadcasting. The tasks that we are aiming to accomplish this year include: (1) keeping the operation of the River Restoration Center and faciliating pollution reporting and communication processes; (2) further promoting the importance of river quality and the public participation framework through lecture and workshop activities; (3) publishing monthly newsletter to enhane the communication among volunteers; (4) assisting TEPA to inform public about the various river cleanup measures accomplished by the governments; (5) training the volunteers to use Web Pollution Reporting System as the alternative to the current telephone reporting system; (6) publishing volunteer handbook, brochure, and video for the river patrolling program. The program has established a framework for public involvement in the watershed managmenet programs for the rivers of the Great Tainan Area. Through the series of projects, three levels of public participation, which include informing government policy, engaging in pollution control, and involving in decision making process, are being performed. Few lessons have been learned: (1) establishing public trust and recognizing volunteer groups’ unique characteristics keep the program running smoothly; (2) motivating community college sustains river patrolling and pollution control activities; (3) involving governors’ commitment and enforcing hazardous waste management help controlling illegal wastewater discharges. The framework and experience built up in this program can be a model to the public involvement programs in other watersheds. We also suggest that (1) adopting the USEPA Watershed Patch Program as the education framework, (2) involving people to the water quality and biological monitoring of the constructed wetlands, and (3) establishing participation mechanism for watershed management decision, are the tasks for the next stage of the public participation program.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 長榮大學