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Title 各縣市柴油車排煙檢測站年度查核及評鑑專計畫
Abstract 行政院環保署為有效管制使用中柴油汽車污染排放,特依據空污法第四十、四十一及四十二條規定,於各縣市建置柴油車排煙檢測站,推動使用中柴油汽車不定期檢驗制度,促使柴油汽車使用者善盡維護保養責任,確保使用中柴油汽車污染排放水準,改善都會區空氣品質。 今年度計畫完成兩次排煙站評鑑及查核作業,並利用大小馬力標準車執行排煙站相關性測試,以評估各縣市排煙站檢驗業務品質及能力表現,促使各排煙站改善檢測品質。另外透過柴油車排煙檢測資料庫系統建置及使用中柴油車排煙檢測業務標準作業手冊與排煙站品質手冊編撰,協助排煙站架構完善品保運作體系,有效提昇各檢測站執法公信力。最後完成宣導海報與手冊之編製,並邀請全國客貨運業者參加政策宣導會議,以達成簡政便民,減少社會成本與民怨目的。
EngTitle Audit, Evaluate of Chassis Dynamometer Smoke Test(CDST) station in counties and cities.
EngAbstract To control air pollution of in-used diesel vehicle effectively, according to the 40th , 41st and 42nd regulation of the air pollution control law ,Environmental Protection Administration established the Chassis Dynamometer Smoke Test(CDST) stations in counties and cities, to execute in-used diesel vehicle non-periodical emission inspection program.The program urge vehicle owner to repair and maintenance the vehicle at well condition,to ensure that vehicle can emitted pollutant at a reasonable level and improve the air quality in the district. This project had audited the CDST stations twice this year, and implemented the proficiency testing program by standard vehicles,to evaluate the station’s inspection quality and ability,in conclusion,to improve the inspection and testing quality of CDST stations.And through the implementations of diesel vehicle smoke test database system ,testing standard operation procedure(SOP) manual and quality control manual,to promote the public trust and enforce the law effectively. Finally, the project made poster and manual of diesel vehicle smoke control measure policy,and invited national transportation business person attend the policy meeting, to make emission control policy simplify and convenient for people,in addition,can reduce the social cost and resentment.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人車輛研究測試中心