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Title 加油站油氣回收設施調查及揮發性有機物排放查核管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作項目包括台東縣轄內加油站查核管制作業、VOC排放資料清查作業、排放管道VOC或周界臭(異)味檢測作業等。94年度至12月31日止共受理一件新設加油站申請案(第三階段),目前台東縣共有四家新設加油站。本計畫執行加油站環境檢測及污染管制作業,係針對台東縣境內所有加油站進行加油槍氣油比檢測及氣漏檢測。為掌握加油站業者經由檢測及輔導建議後之改善狀況,於本計畫安排第一次油氣回收設施檢測後,針對第一次檢測結果不合格者,請業者進行改善並於改善完成後執行檢測作業。第一次油氣回收設施檢測,總計檢測41家加油站,氣漏檢測不合格率為48.8%、氣油比檢測不合格率為29.3%。而氣漏檢測及氣油比檢測不合格家數分別為20家及12家,總計有27家需提送改善報告,業者提報改善後檢測皆符合規定。本計畫針對台東縣境內可能產生揮發性有機物之污染源進行清查作業,並以本縣VOC前二十大排放源為主要執行現場清查作業對象,其中又以加油站為VOC清查作業主要對象,並配合加油站回收設備查核及檢測作業共同進行。其餘清查執行對象尚包括乾洗業、發電業、汽車保養維修業、瀝青拌合業、氣體燃料供應業。台東縣境內加油站所有加油站VOC排放量共209噸/年。關於台東縣境內VOC潛在來源推估,總計台東縣內VOC排放量約5401噸/年,其中固定源約佔62%,為3346公噸/年、移動源約佔38%,為2055公噸/年。固定源部分又以商業活動為污染最大來源,包括有一般消費、汽車保養、加油站、乾洗業、餐飲業油煙等,共計1313公噸/年。而移動源部分,則以公路運輸為主要來源,包括汽油車、柴油車、機車等,共計1990公噸/年。周界臭味稽查檢測分別為鴻進汽車有限公司(周界臭味、甲苯、二甲苯)、台東鋼瓶有限公司(周界臭味)、永豐餘造紙股份有限公司台東廠(周界臭味)、中國石油公司東區營業處台東供油中心(周界臭味),本計畫針對其中1家進行現場查核後建議其集水站加蓋以避免臭(異)味逸散。
EngTitle Investigation of Oil Gas Retrieves Facilities at the Gas Station, and VOC Emissions Check Thoroughly and Control Plan
EngAbstract In order to understand the emission problem of VOC in Taitung county, we check the pollution source first and set up basic materials and investigation of the present emission situation, besides implementing several standards and regulations, and to draft a control strategy for distribution of pollution source and emission situation to conserve environment quality of Taitung county. This project contain gas station check and control, VOC emission check, the VOCs smell measurement. One applying case (third stage) of service station have been accepted till 2005/12/31, there are four new service stations in Taitung. In brief, there are 20 and 12 stations not up to standard in Static Pressure test and A/L test individually. The substandard ratio in Static Pressure test is 48.8%, and the substandard ratio in A/L test is 29.3%. After improvement, all stations conform to standard in Static Pressure test and A/L test. The main industry of VOC emission check of this project is gas stations, and the others contain dry-cleaner, power plain, automobile maintain and maintenance, mixing of asphalt, gaseous fuel supply industry. The VOCs emissions of gas stations is 209 ton/yr. The emissions of VOC potential sources is about 5401 ton/yr, in which the fix sources account for 62%, about 3346ton/yr, and the mobile sources account for 38%, about 2055ton/yr. The objects of VOCs smell measurement are HongJin motors Ltd, Taitung gaseous fuel supply Co., Yuen Foong Yu Group (Taitung), Taitung supply center of Chinese Petroleum Corporation.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 台東縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司