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Title 推動屏東縣水環境守望相助巡守隊及加強民眾參與計畫
Abstract 本年度各工作項目已依預定之目標及進度落實執行,執行摘要說明如下各點,詳細工作成果見各章節內容。一、河川巡守隊志工招募1.本縣河川巡守隊成立現況:計畫執行初期工作團隊於4月24日及30日於崁頂鄉港東國小及內埔鄉東寧社區活動中心,辦理二場河川巡守志工招募宣導說明會,在縣府及環保局積極招募下,本年度新成立10隊河川巡守隊,新加入志工計201人,併同去年度8隊巡守隊,合計志工人數達280人。2.本縣河川巡守隊成立大會暨授旗典禮:本計畫特於中華民國94年7月9日假屏東縣政府禮堂辦理「屏東縣水環境守望相助巡守隊成立大會」,進行志工的授旗誓師活動,並於同年11月20日完成河川巡守成果展暨頒獎典禮活動。3.辦理巡守志工講習訓練:本年度共辦理10場次志工教育訓練,由於志工平時均有固定工作,所以本訓練均利用夜間或假日時機至各小隊就近辦理,故出席率良好,合計出席人數達202人次。二、巡守通報機制及績效查核1.巡守隊通報成果:統計94年5月1日至94年11月15日,本轄河川巡守隊共回報登記有案之各類件數共計55件,其查報案件中含廢棄物堆置18件、露天燃燒案件7件及水污染案件30件。其中小型垃圾堆置均由巡守隊員自行清除,大型堆置物則移請廢管課或清潔隊處理,估算因此而處理之廢棄物量超過10公噸以上,另發現私油船及暗管7處已通報稽查課處理。2.巡守隊網路通報成果:為了避免巡守隊員們因電話報案無法完整呈現污染現況,本計畫教導隊員們多利用環保署網路陳情系統進行污染通報,本年度共計完成受理案件達9件(廢棄物2件、水污染6件及環境衛生1件)。3.志工值勤時數統計:現勘查核志工執勤記錄表所統計的時數中得知,總計94年5月至94年11月止,河川巡守隊共計執勤12,079.4小時,其中本年度成立之巡守隊共計值勤8,349.4小時,佔總時數69.1%。4.績效考核實施計畫:本年度針對本縣93、94年度成立之18隊水環境河川巡守隊進行考核作業,藉以評核巡守隊之績效作為年度獎勵之依據。考核結果共頒發出3個團體獎及38個個人獎。三、認識河川研習活動1.培訓環保小尖兵:本計畫於5月16日起至7月31日止分別於崇蘭國小、瑞光國小、潮南國小、新園國小、高朗國小、里港鄉、長治鄉農會等辦理7場次環保小尖兵研習會,參加人員包括國小師生、社區巡守隊員及民眾等,出席人數每場次均達120人以上,共計1,190人參加。2.認識縣內主要河川研習活動:於9月10日於新園鄉田洋村新園堤防辦理認識高屏溪研習活動(雙溪平原的月光),藉由寓教於樂的方式,讓民眾瞭解河川的功能及維護的重要性。 3.1001淨灘行動日活動:10月1日於東港鎮鎮海公園旁的沙灘舉行淨灘活動,藉由實際行動喚起大家隨時隨地關心周遭環境污染的問題。 4.我愛河川大手牽小手親子寫生比賽活動:10月23日於屏東市河濱公園進行戶外寫生比賽,藉由這次的寫生過程裡也增加了親子之間的互動,鼓勵民眾常到戶外,了解大自然,親近大自然。5.水資源生態巡禮-大手牽小手隘寮溪畔走一走:10月30日於里港鄉過江河堤公園辦理,透過運用親子共同參與、增進親子互動及親子情感之聯繫,並結合人文、生態及河川功能作綠色環保觀念的建立。 6.水環境河川巡守隊成果發表展及頒獎:11月20日於三地門鄉口社村集會所廣場前辦理, 會中除表揚優良巡守隊員外,並頒發親子寫生比賽各組優選及佳作等獎項,會場並展示寫生比賽優選作品及平日巡守隊辛勤成果展現。四、水資源保育多元化宣導1.電子網頁宣導:截至11月30日止已提出初步成果並送局核備,現階段已完成驗收,並於11月28日辦理電子網頁相關業務人員及管理人員之教育訓練會,課程包含網頁伺服器安裝、使用、建置及維護等,以確保網頁之完整性及正確性。2.平面媒體宣導:已完成製作6張水環境河川巡守隊宣導海報並寄發相關單位。3.在媒體宣導方面,本計畫購置有線電視熱門廣告頻道刊登跑馬燈,宣導水環境維護短片,收視區域包含屏東市等13處鄉鎮市,收視戶數共計約80,000戶。4.計畫期間巡守隊成立至今先後辦理過多場宣導活動,並與多家新聞媒體聯繫,包括台灣時報、台灣日報、中國時報、台灣時報、民眾日報及自由時報等,相繼登載水環境河川巡守隊相關活動報導,希望透過新聞報導後能讓更多民眾對於本縣水環境的認識,並與巡守隊一同加入志工行列隨時隨地維護關心水環境。五、各巡守隊建議彙整1.建議環保單位能提供電腦設備供巡守隊使用,以利相片資料建檔使用。2.建議定期邀請巡守隊參加各項愛溪護溪或河川水資源保護活動,以促進巡守隊之各項愛護河川水資源及環境保護觀念並藉此活絡巡守隊員之間的訊息交流。3.巡守隊於偏僻地區查獲污染源,但常因地點不易敘述導致環保單位無法於前往正確地點稽查,建議環保單位能提供GPS衛星定位儀供巡守隊使用。4.養豬廢水偷排情形普遍,巡守隊均顧及大家均需養家餬口而不予舉發,建議環保單位加強輔導養豬戶以減少廢水排放污染河川之現象。5.巡守隊巡守時大部分隊員皆騎乘機車,建議環保單位能補助油資,以減少開支。6.對於河岸常遭傾倒廢棄物,遇雨季來臨時廢棄物均遭沖入河川,巡守隊員經常自行清除廢棄物,建議環保單位配合設置告示牌或提供告示牌供巡守隊使用。7.建議於巡守隊隊部設置巡守隊名稱之牌匾,以利匯集巡守隊之人氣,進而吸引其他村民參與巡守行列。8.河川巡守均為義務性質,填寫巡守記錄表造成巡守隊員之負擔,建議能在查獲實際污染源後再行填寫。
EngTitle Impels established Pingtung River Guard and strengthens the populace participate in the plan
EngAbstract Each item of tasks has been done and reach our objectives as previously scheduled. The overall accomplishments of this project are summarized as follows.A.Recruitment of the river guards 1.Current situation: during this project of 2005 river guards were recruited respectively on April 24 and on April 30. Two hundred and one voluntary river guards are classified into 10 teams, along with the 8 teams recruited last year. We’ve got 208 river guards right now.2.2005 Pingtung River Guard was formally established in county on July 9. River guard performance and award was held on November 20 of the year.3.This year ten training seminars were offered at nighttime or on weekends for those volunteer guards, most of them have full time job at daytime and thus got a high attending rate of 202 times.B.Pollution report and efficiency evaluation 1.According to the statistics collected from May 1 to November 15 of this year, 55 pollution reports by phone include 18 cases of waste heaps, 7 cases of open burnings and 30 cases of water pollutions. River guards had cleaned up the tiny heaps of wastes while the large heaps of wastes had been passed onto the Waste Management and Control Department of this county. 2.Another approach to pollution report is adopted on line. 9 pollution reports were undertaken in such way.3.From May to November of 2005, the amount of river guards’ working hours goes up to 12,079.4 hours. The new recruits of this year singly contributed 8,349 hours, forming a large proportion ( 69.1% ) of the total hours.4.Government seriously evaluated the efficiency of the eighteen teams of river guards who were recruited in 2004 and 2005. Three group performance awards and thirty-eight individual performance awards were given.C.Seminars on knowing our rivers 1.Environmental protection needs all of us, despite of age and class. Seven seminars were held since May 16 to July 31 of 2005 in lots of elementary schools of Pingtung County. Both teachers and pupils were our target members to be educated as environmental guards against water pollutions.2.“Knowing Our Rivers in Pingtung County” conference was held on September 10, in attempt to introduce the functions of the rivers and to highlight the importance of protecting our rivers from pollutions.3.Beach Clean Day of October first was celebrated to encourage the public to care more about our environmental problems.4.Sketch contest gave the public an opportunity to have a closer contact with nature, know our nature and further love it. Water resources exhibition and ecological tours were also given to serve the optimal goal—caring for our environments.D.Multiple publicities 1.Exclusive website was established to publicize the importance of water resources protection and preservation.2.Advertisements in print are also useful form of publicities. Six posters of River Guard Performances were designed and printed.3.Media through television commercials and press conferences are another forms of publicities, which we had frequently resorted to.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 屏東縣環境保護局