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Title 九十四年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎評選
Abstract 為了鼓勵事業機構妥善清理廢棄物、資源減量、回收再利用,環保署於民國91年6月訂定「事業辦理廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎勵辦法」及民國92年7月訂定「再生資源回收再利用績效優良獎勵辦法」,以辦理相關獎勵評選活動,本次辦理之「94年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」,為環保署第三次辦理,評分標準包含兩大類:●管理系統方面: 為事業體之政策目標與自我管理,包含廢棄物清理、減量或回收再利用政策、目標、廢棄物管理組織、作業管理制度、設備維護及操作制度、管理制度的推動等。●績效表現方面: 為實際運作及達成績效,包含廢棄物清理、減量或再利用總體提昇量化資料、能資源節省情形、設備及設施投資改善情形、操作效能改善情形、研究發展等。今(94)年由環保署會同目的事業主管機關頒發「94年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」。●特優獎:(1)農業組:順豐堆肥場(2)教育組:國立台東大學、弘光科技大學、明志科技大學(3)醫療組:財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院大林分院、財團法人天主教聖保祿修女醫院、國軍新竹醫院(4)工業組:台灣飛利浦建元電子股份有限公司(5)科學園區組:聯華電子股份有限公司FAB6A廠、力晶半導體股份有限公司環保署為表揚獲得94年度特優獎之事業機構,本計畫特出版「94年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎優良事蹟彙編」,期能將其廢棄物減量、資源減量、回收及再利用之績效,藉由經驗分享及相互切磋推廣至其他事業。
EngTitle Project-Plan for 「Appraisal and Selection of year 2005 Award for excellence performance on Waste Disposal, and Resource Recycling and Reuse」
EngAbstract In order to encourage various business sectors to participate in proper waste management, including waste disposal, waste minimization and resource recycling and reuse, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has promulgated the” Incentives and Award Rules for Institutions with Proven Performance on Waste Disposal, Waste Minimization and Resource Recycling and Reuse” in June 2002, and “ Incentives and Awards Rules For Proven Performance on Resource Recovery, Recycling and Reuse” in July 2003.In 2005, the EPA has held “Year 2005 Award for Excellent Performance in Proper Waste Disposal and Resource Recycling and Reuse”. This award is third time ever held. The criteria for the performance awards consists of two main parts:●Management Systems:The management system includes policy, objectives and programs for waste collection and treatment as well as waste minimization, waste management organization, operation management system including audit and documentation control, operation and maintenance, and educational training.●Performance Records : The performance records appraisal includes waste minimization, resource recycling and reuse, energy savings, investment and improvement in equipment and facilities, operation efficiency improvement, research and development and other proven performance records.In 2005, there are 20 institutions from various sectors as agriculture, hospital and science park, competing for the 2005 performance award. After preliminary review, reassessment and final selection by the committee consisting of experts, scholars, relevant regulatory authorities and the EPA, this year ten distinguished performance awards have been announced for 2005.In 2005, the EPA has publicly held an award ceremony to honor the distinguished performance award winners. In addition, for the distinguished award winners, the EPA has published this “Distinguished Performance Fact Summary for the Excellent Performance in Proper Waste Disposal, Waste Minimization and Resource Recycling and Reuse of Year 2005” for experience sharing and promotion of waste minimization and resource recycling and reuse.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司