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Title 廢棄石材回收之技術開發
Abstract 利用人工合成的方式製作人造石材(Engineering stone)的技術在國內外已經非常成熟,其主要的原理是利用粉碎後的礦石細砂再加上不飽和樹酯與硬化劑,藉由振動與抽真空的方式將細砂與樹酯結合成一體。本計畫的主要工作是利用廢棄的石粉或是石材作為主要的原料進行人造石的開發,其關鍵技術包括有:各種粒徑石粉的參配、化學添加劑的反應參數與最後的製成參數實驗,完成後的產品可以達到與目前天然石材相同水準的表現。在未來天然石材的供應日益減少時,若能夠利用技術的研發,增加廢棄石材所佔的百分比來製造人造石,此技術將可以有效解決日益短少的天然資源。
EngTitle Development of Engineering stone with recycle material
EngAbstract The manufacturing process of engineering stone is developed and implemented abroad for past decades. The fundamental issue of manufacturing engineering stone is using unsaturated polymer, additives and crashed stone to mix together, and then the density of the stone will increase through the processes of vibration and vacuum. This work focus on the usage of wasted stone mixing with chemical agent to produce engineering stone. The main studies include: how to find the best mixing percentage of different sizes of stone patches, the response of chemical agent and the parameters of processing. This project plans to use the recycle material to make the recycle engineering stone. Through the investigation of process parameter and fundamental material, the characteristics of the recycle engineering stone can be controlled. It is believed that this work can help the people to solve the lack of natural stone.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 張棟瑜