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Title 氧化生物分解塑膠ASTM D6954-04測試方法之開發
Abstract Tier1內的氧化部分參照ASTMD5510規範使用熱來達到脆裂終止點,改變不同的老化溫度,分別用70℃,100℃樣品拉伸延伸率降至5%,達到氧化目的。 Tier2及Tier3的測試。Tier2生物分解測試,依據ISO14855,塑膠中心已取得CNLA認證,另外Tier3的毒性測試依據ASTM D6400規範,預計12月底提出CNLA認證。
EngTitle Standard guide for exposing and testing plastics that degrade in the environment by a combination of oxidation and biodegradation(ASTM D6954-04)test method development
EngAbstract Experiments are carried out based upon ASTM 5510 instead. Films are placed in an oven to perform aging process. The optimal operating condition change heat aging temperature 70℃and 100℃,Elongation of the aged specimens could drop to 5%。Plastics Industry Development Center has obtained the certificate of Tire 2 of ISO 14855 (for biodegradability test) as well as the CNLA verification. Verification from CNLA for tire 3 (toxic materials test) based on ASTM D6400 is expected to be accomplished by the end of this December.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 朱美珍