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Title 磷酸鹽底泥於難燃塑膠之應用
Abstract 本計畫以鋼鐵業磷酸鹽皮膜表面處理製程產生之磷酸鹽底泥作為塑膠難燃劑使用;難燃塑膠產品以難燃鞋材所要求之物性為開發標的。實驗結果顯示,在塑膠基材中添加磷酸鹽底泥雖有助於難燃性的提升,添加40%時可達UL 94 V1水準。磷酸鹽底泥搭配氫氧化鋁使用產生之協乘效益使難燃性達UL94 V0水準,此外各項物性在塑膠/磷酸鹽/氫氧化鋁=65/20/15及65/15/20可達成查核點的要求。
EngTitle The phosphate mud used in flame retardant plastic
EngAbstract The phosphorate mud was adopted as flame retardant for plastics. The goal of this research is to develop a flame retarding plastics for meeting shoe sole’s requirements. The result shows that 40% phosphorate mud added to plastics can increase the flame retarding ability from UL-94 HB to V1. Moreover. ATH,combined to phosphorate mud,can have a synerqy effect for improving the flame retarding performance. The ratio of plastics/phosphorate/ATH can be either 65/20/15 or 65/15/20,and both of them can meet the check point’s demands.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 莊朝印