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Title 「二○○五年亞太地區海洋污染防治研討會」專案工作計畫
Abstract 台灣四周海域每年三萬艘油輪經過,海域污染的威脅仍然不容忽視;海岸發展凌亂,污穢棄置、景觀單調、堤岸水泥化,亟待推動海岸復育及總體營造;河川及其他陸源性污染持續減損海域環境品質,毒魚炸魚和過漁現象,仍不斷破壞珊瑚礁、漁場和生物棲地。海洋污染不但直接影響漁產產量、經濟發展與健康品質,也激發區域合作的必要性和相關技術及生態工法之研發。有鑑於海洋污染之防治與管制,必須持續建立整合、完整的機制,同時納入區域觀、國際觀,爰呼應行政院海洋事務推動委員會「二○○五海洋年」之構想,辦理本計畫,期藉邀集亞太區域內產官學民專家學者之共同研討,交換資訊與經驗,一步步建立國際溝通網路,協助解決台灣與區域內海洋污染問題,並使本研討會逐步發展為亞太地區最為重要的環境論壇之一。
EngTitle 2005 Asia Pacific Marine Pollution Conference
EngAbstract The marine environment is an integral part of the Earth’s life support systems and has provided one of the most important sources of natural resources for human development. The Pacific Ocean, the world largest ocean, is critical to support the economy and long-term welfare for countries and peoples around its rim. However, marine pollution has been a major concern in the Asia-Pacific region. A significant volume of municipal wastewater and various land-based pollutants have been continuously discharged into the marine environment without proper treatment. Many human activities are quickly degrading the quality of marine environment. Incidents, such as oil spills, have aggravated the situation. Exotic species and some ecologic concerns (e.g., antifouling materials) have also been the focus of marine environmental management and regional cooperation. In this regard, the 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on Marine Pollution Prevention and Control (ACMP) is international conference is to provide a forum for exploring the current status, identifying the major issues, exchanging information and ideas as well as adequate strategies to overcome the problems of marine pollution in the Asia-Pacific region. It is also hope that the ACMP can be one of the important fora in the region.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國海洋防治污染協會