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Title 屏東縣河川流域生態工法水質淨化工程細部規劃設計
Abstract 屏東縣近年來積極推動生態工法淨化水體水質,除了已完成數個研究性計畫外,目前在武洛溪的水質改善計畫中,兩期的生態工法工程業已完工運轉,而麟洛鄉多功能的生態園區也即將在今年度動工。此外,屏東縣環保局在轄區內亦全面性清查可供建置人工濕地等自然水質淨化系統場址。如何在有限資源下評估最適合的優先場址,是九十四年度工作重點之一。決定最優先場址需先列出最完整的候選名單,然後經過現勘調查,本年度總共現勘調查了二十四處場址,再依據八項評估因子,初步篩出適合的數處場址,最後舉辦專家會議,利用專家學著評估法,綜合各項考量,客觀訂出人工濕地場址的建設期程優先順序。
EngTitle The desing of river water quality improving by ecological engineering method in Pingtung County
EngAbstract In recent years, Pingtung County has been promoting the ecological engineering method to purify water. Until now, several researchful plans were finished, the ecological engineering method industry of the Wulo River water quality improving project was completed and put into operation, and Linluo Township multi-purpose ecological park is to be started this year. Additionally, Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau is inspecting the natural water purifying sites available for constructed wetlands. How to assess the most proper priority sites is one of the main tasks in 2005. The priority site shall be decided by listing all candidates first and inspecting them on the spot. There were twenty four sites undergone on-the-spot inspection in this year, among which several sites were chosen according to eight assessing factors. Finally, the seminar was held to decide the order of importance for the constructed wetland construction time in consideration of all potential conditions by the assessing methods of experts and scholars.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣永續工程顧問有限公司