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Title 災後都會及鄉村地區環境衛生評估指標及其實施機制之研究(一)
Abstract 為能夠使各級單位確實掌握災後環境衛生情形,並且強化災後環境衛生問題處理能力,本計畫乃結合結果管理、系統分析以及管理思維與步驟等觀念與方法,發展一套災後環境污染防治管理體系架構(其中包含災後環境污染防治績效指標),同時依此體系架構而檢討目前災後環境污染防治機制,以做為各級單位進行災後環境污染防治工作之依據。本計畫並進行都市地區與鄉村地區災後環境特性之界定與差異分析,依此結果而發展災後環境衛生評估指標以及災後環境污染防治(含環境衛生問題處理)能力評估指標(分為平時資源建置、災前整備及災後執行三個階段),並評估10個縣市平時資源建置階段之災後環境污染防治能力。評估結果顯示,總體分數為60~74分(尚可)者包括台北縣、基隆市、台中縣、澎湖縣、新竹市、台北市、桃園縣等7縣市,而59分以下者包括宜蘭縣、新竹縣、台中市等3縣市,而且各縣市均有部分指標值低於3分之情形,本計畫以「在民國97年底以前,平時資源建置階段之災後環境污染防治能力評估等級可達『良』(75分),而各面向之評估指標值皆可達3分以上」為目標,擬定(1)民國95年完成編制內災後環境污染防治人力工作之分配調整、(2)民國97年完成增購災後環境污染防治機具設備等、(3)民國96年完成志工人力納入編組、(4)民國96年完成簽訂災後環境污染防治工作委託合約、(5)民國96年完成政府間支援垃圾處理容量之協定等5項策略,再針對每個縣市提出細項策略及行動計畫以做為具體改善方案,以使各級單位在災害發生後,能夠快速而有效的處理環境衛生問題。
EngTitle A Study on the Environmental Health Evaluation Indicator and its Implementation Mechanism for Urban and Rural Area after Natural Disaster (I)
EngAbstract To enhance the capabilities of the authorities to solve the problem of environmental health after natural disaster, this study uses the concepts and methods of Managing for Results (MFR), system analysis, and management thinking and procedure to develop a management framework for environmental pollution control after natural disaster. This framework also includes performance indicators of environmental pollution control after natural disaster. The current mechanism for environmental pollution control after natural disaster is modified based on this framework and is applied as the guidance for the authorities. The differences of environmental characteristics between the urban area and the rural area after natural disaster are analyzed and identified. The environmental health evaluation indicator and the capability evaluation indicator (including three stages of establishment in usual time, preparation before disaster, and execution after disaster) of environmental pollution control after natural disaster are developed based on the above analysis results. This study uses the developed capability evaluation indicator to evaluate the capabilities in the stage of establishment in usual time of 10 local authorities for environmental pollution control after natural disaster. The evaluated results indicate that the evaluation values of seven local authorities, including Taipei County, Keelung City, Taichung County, Penghu County, Hsinchu City, Taipei City, and Taoyuan County, are between 60 and 74 which are classified as the level of “fair”. The evaluation values of three local authorities, including Yilan County, Hsinchu County, and Taichung City, are below 59. Furthermore, each local authority has some indicator values which are below 3. This study suggests the improvement objective as that the capability in the stage of establishment in usual time can achieve the level of “good” (the evaluation value above 75) and each indicator value can be above 3 by 2008. Five major improvement strategies are developed in this study, including: (1) allocating the governmental human resources for environmental pollution control after natural disaster by 2006; (2) purchasing equipments for environmental pollution control after natural disaster by 2008; (3) organizing the volunteers by 2007; (4) making the contracts with private enterprises for environmental pollution control after natural disaster by 2007; and (5) making the inter-governmental agreements for waste treatment by 2007. Moreover, the detailed strategies and action plans are generated as the improvement alternatives for the 10 local authorities. The analytic results and alternatives can be used to assist the local authorities to effectively solve the problems for environmental pollution control after natural disaster.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 南亞技術學院