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Title 屏東縣固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫
Abstract 本計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、核發及說明會辦理(2)許可查核、(3)巡查、(4)資料庫更新與擴充及QA/QC、(5)煙道無機物含油品含硫份抽測作業、(6)CEMS查核(7)焚化爐戴奧辛抽測作業(8)定期檢測監督作業 (9)空污費催繳及查核作業(10)稽查處份資料建檔等作業項目。在固定污染源許可審查作業,各批次許可申請狀況包括設置/變更、操作/異動、展延、及補換發共計139件,已完成審查並發證者共105製程,文件平均審查日數為13.3天,目前屏東縣有效之操作許可證共316張,以鍋爐製程佔25%為最多,許可制度對全體固定源納管率,在製程為42%,污染源、防制設備及排放口則為72~89%,而對儲槽及堆置場則只有34~42%。在許可查核方面,共完成255條製程之查核作業,查核不符率16.1%為近年來之高點,其中有將近一半之不符原因為燃、物料用量或產品產量超出核可值。針對公告應定期檢測煙道,共計完成75根次之監督作業,其中有4根次檢測過程中有瑕疵,導致檢測作業無法完成,分析過去3年之定期檢測資料,篩選燃油鍋爐、燃木鍋爐及旋轉式乾燥爐並計算其檢測排放係數,其中燃油鍋爐及旋轉式乾燥爐檢測排放係數低於空污費公告係數,而燃木鍋爐之檢測排放係數確高於空污費公告係數。在資料庫作業方面,本計劃共完成資料庫更新354件,達成率104%,更新後在設備數上有些許下降,而在排放量部分,TSP及VOCs有較明顯之減量,主要為砂石場、加油站所減量;而NOx之排放量卻明顯上升,主要為崁頂焚化廠垃圾焚化量增加所致,更新後之排放量仍有部分工廠之排放量與空污費資料庫有所差異,分析原因大抵為為估算方式不同所致,而空污費申報錯誤亦為原因之一。在稽查檢測作業方面,併同環保局另外發包之稽查檢測計畫,共執行煙道無機物檢測29根次、臭味周界檢測20點次、油品含硫份31件、中小型戴奧辛檢測3根次及CEMS相對準確度試驗2根次,其中煙道無機物檢測不合格1根次、油品含硫份不合格1件、臭味採樣不合格1件;而RATA部分,雖兩根次煙道之RA值尚在許可範圍內,經由信賴係數與誤差值比較後,其中1根之CEMS有明顯系統偏移現象,可能導致排放量低估。此外,在行業別法規符合度共計執行中小型焚化爐戴奧辛排放、大型焚化爐戴奧辛排放、電力業、石化業、汽車表面塗裝業、煉鋼業、鉛二次冶煉、瀝青業、磚瓦窯業、熱風乾燥機等10行業、27廠次之查核作業,查核結果大致良好,惟其中一家汽車表面塗裝業之乾燥式廢氣經處理後,VOCs削減率未達90%而予以告發。在空污費相關作業方面,本計畫\共計完成28家工廠之催繳作業,並針對空污費申報有疑慮之廠家篩選31家進行申報資料查核,其中申報錯誤率高達35%,由此可見空污費相關制度仍有相當大之宣導空間。
EngTitle Pingtung staionary resource permitting system and air pollution project
EngAbstract The works of Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project including: (1) Stationary Sources Permit, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance, accuracy reviewed of CEMS and dioxins inspection in random of incinerators. (3) Database establishment with electronic reporting and system function upgrade and QA/QC. (4) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit. (5) Penalty records filing of patrol and so on.In permit system, 23 processes of settlement, 58 processes of operation permit and 29 processes of permit extend were applied. During our audit, we have collected and codified several problems that was often confused in permit apply cases and propaganda to local plant employee who is in charge of air pollution affair. Another conference was held for introducing the permit system to plants that were listed of eighth batch factories by Environmental Protection Administrator (EPA). In permit audit, there was 16.1% of discrepancy that mainly caused by exceeded the permit value of raw material and fuel.In stationary controlling, we inspected 29 stacks for inorganic content in random and analyze 31 sulfur content cases that both have 1 case exceeded the standards. There were no incorrect cases both small-middle incinerators dioxin emission and CEMS accuracy inspection. In emission quantity upgrade, we renew 354 factories or 63% in list. The result showed out the particle emission was declined because of the reduction of mucking gravel by the effect of poor weather condition. VOCs also declined partly because gasoline station reduction measure taking place. NOx quantity was arise obviously because of the incinerated waste quantity was increased that bring by waste transship station operation. Therewith, there also have some factories reduced their pollution by using clearer fuel.In air pollution fee payment review and audit, there were 27 factories need to reregistered and repay that included 6 factories never paid before. Further, we audit 25 factories that have registered in random and 32% in that was uncorrected. That shows out a lot of factories was unfamiliar on Air Pollution Fee System.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科公司