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Title 資源回收相關作業之查核稽催追蹤管制專案工作計畫(94年度)
Abstract 行政院環境保護署資源回收管理基金管理委員會依據廢棄物清理法,為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,於94年度推動「資源回收相關作業之查核稽催暨追蹤管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託惠元環境資源股份有限公司,協助規劃計畫工作項目與落實執行外,並派駐環保署與各縣市環保局33位大專以上專職人力共同推動本計畫。本計畫歷經9個月執行期間,在責任業者管理工作推動上之成果主要有兩大項:一、完成94年度資源回收基金應催收費用,經本計畫欠繳金額稽催與控管,實際提高回收基金總金額達3億3,623萬7,181元整(統計94年全年度);二、94年度辦理函請各縣市違法責任業者稽查與告發案件控管作業,總控管案件總計3,020件,經各縣市環保局實際稽查處理執行率高達97.4%以上,總計告發85件,告發金額實際挹注地方財政高達5,850,000元。整體而言配合重點稽查取締案件推動,各縣市環保局稽查取締案件執行成果良好。在販賣業者管理工作推動上,陸續完成27,830家販賣業者登記列管作業,並實際於全省現場輔導與查核39,784家販賣業者,較原計畫目標查核點數10,611家,約達4倍。本年度自五月份起新增輔導責任業者辦理網際網路申報作業工作,其輔導對象主要係以資本額1,000萬(含)以下之責任業者為主,共計輔導835家責任業者,其中經輔導後業者已辦理網路申報作業之家數共計716家,已達成計畫預計輔導600家業者;另在資源回收相關作業成果,協助環保署勘查各縣市辦理63場次「補助民間團體辦理資源回收活動」。最後配合本計畫各項工作推動修正網際網路專案管理系統功能,共計修正及新增54類表單,並逐一檢視各類統計表單運算邏輯及預留系統擴充性能。總結,藉由本計畫之推動,協助環保署於資源回收相關政策法令之落實、資源回收基金納繳率的提高、違法案件執法公平之落實與回收管道管理等工作已有顯著之執行績效。
EngTitle Project of auditing, tracking and administrating the resources recycling procedures.(2005)
EngAbstract Based on Waste Disposal Act (Oct. 24, 2001), The Recycling Management Fund(RMF)of Environmental Protection Administration(EPA)enforces Responsible Enterprise to registering, declaring and paying recycling fee in the fair and consistent manner and maintain smooth recycling channel for sales enterprises. In2005, RMF has been promoted the project" Auditing, tracking and administrating the recycle procedures " and authorized Hui Yuan Environmental Resources Co., Ltd. to plan and manage the project items,Hui Yuan also missioned over 33 employees in EPA and EPB(Environmental Protection Bureau)of local governments or administrations assisting this project.From April 2005 to December 2005, the project was authorized by RMF to manage Responsible Enterprise and sales enterprise for nine months. The project reached two major achievements in managing Responsible Enterprise: First of all, the project enforces Responsible Enterprise to submit recycling fund and increased NT$336,237,181 in recycling fund. Secondly, there have been 3,020 illegal Responsible Enterprise in counties audited and supervised. In those illegal cases, there were 85 punishment cases and enforced to pay fine which is increasing NT$5,850,000 in local governments finance. In sales enterprise management, the best achievement of this project is to assist 27,830 sales enterprise to register and to inspect 39,784 sales enterprise to obey the Waste Disposal Act. Other achievements reached were helping EPA to supervise items of expenditure of recycling subsidies applied by local environmental protection agencies (bureau); recording 63 activities sponsored by government to encourage communities to participate in recycling activities.In order to set the project action, we develop a computer system of project management. It provides the user date input and statistics functions in internet immediately.In conclusion, the accomplishments of the project are to assist EPA on policy implement, to increase revenue of recycle fund, to practice justice to illegal cases; and to administrate the recycling channel.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 惠元環境資源股份有限公司