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Title 屏東縣砂石場廢(污)水削減及隘寮溪污染源總量管制計畫
Abstract 在台灣,非點源污染是造成水質問題之主要原因之ㄧ,非點源污染隨著暴雨逕流與土壤侵蝕從農業區沖刷出來,污染源散佈非常廣泛,且傳輸途徑與過程十分複雜,很難加以辨別及監控。高屏溪流域為高屏地區主要農業用水、工業用水及自來水水源,水體用途相當重要。隨著高屏溪攔河堰上游豬隻禁養政策之實行,點源污染已逐步控制,非點源污染削減之重要性逐漸提高。由於流域上游集水區大都以農業活動為主,非點源污染亦為造成高屏溪水質惡化之主要原因之一,高屏溪流域集水區之管理規劃,應針對非點源污染予以調整評估及規範,方能達到水資源永續利用之目標。本研究應用多介質模式(Integrated Watershed Management Model, IWMM )模擬評估高屏溪流域主要支流之ㄧ隘寮溪集水區非點源負荷對於隘寮溪水質之影響,進一步探討降雨量及土地利用型態與非點源負荷量之關係,並針對非點源污染研擬及進行可行性整治方案之效益評估,希冀以在高屏溪流域集水區管理上有所助益。模式評估結果顯示,隘寮溪集水區2004 年全年之氨氮非點源負荷量為92,177 kg/year,農業活動為其主要污染來源,於豐水期期間非點源污染輸出量最大。本研究提出下列3 點主要之管理策略,以有效進行流域管理及污染控制,並降低非點源污染對於高屏溪水質之衝擊:(1)建立集水區地理資訊系統(geographic information system, GIS )及即時水質監測系統以有效監測及管理集水區污染;(2)結合GIS 系統與多介質模式,以有效研擬流域之管理策略及各整治策略之效益分析;(3)應用非點源最佳管理作業(best management practices, BMPs )及自然處理系統處理集水區暴雨逕流挾帶之非點源污染。本研究計畫結果與經驗將有助於集水區之管理策略規劃及其他河川流域污染控制政策之擬定。
EngTitle The Plan of Grit Industry and I-Liao Creek Basin Polluting Sources Reduction and Control in Pingtung County
EngAbstract In Taiwan, non-point source (NPS) pollution is one of the major causes of the impairment of surface waters. NPS pollutants, which are associated with stormwater runoff from agricultural land uses can be quite diffuse and difficult to treat. The I-Liao Creek Basin, located in southern Taiwan, flows through approximately 90-km and drains towards the Kaoping River. It is one of the major subbasin in the Kaoping River Basin, which is the largest and the most intensively used river basin in Taiwan. Field investigation results indicate that the main water pollution sources in the I-Liao Creek Basin are NPS pollutants from agricultural activities. NPS pollutants contribute more than 75% of the overall pollution load to the I-Liao Creek. An integrated watershed management model (IWMM) was applied for simulating the water quality in the I-Liao Creek watershed. The model includes a global atmosphere module, a land module, a human impact module, a canopy module, and a global ocean module. Those modules can be linked and managed by a graphic user-interface. The model was calibrated and verified with field data, and was used to investigate potential NPS pollution management plans. Concern about the deteriorating condition of the river led the Government of Taiwan to amend the relevance legislations and strengthen the enforcement of the discharge regulations to effectively manage the river and control the pollution. The following remedial strategies have been taken to reduce the impacts of NPS pollution on the water quality of I-Liao Creek: application of best management practice (BMP) for NPS pollutant control; application of natural treatment systems (e.g., land treatment, constructed wetland, overland flow, riverbank sedimentation/ aeration pond) for the treatment of stormwater runoff; and construction of the watershed geographical information system (GIS) and real time water quality monitoring system to effectively monitor and manage the watershed. GIS system is an important mean for land-use identification and waste load estimation in the catchment. Linking the information of land utilization with the NPS pollution simulation model may further provide essential information of pollution potential of NPS pollution for all sub-regions in the river basin. Results and experience obtained from this study will be helpful in designing the watershed management and NPS pollution control strategies for other similar river basins.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 屏東縣環境保護局