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Title 屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫
Abstract 屏東縣位於高屏空品區,由於空氣污染物排放特性複雜、氣象及地理條件不利於污染擴散,加上電力、石化、鋼鐵及水泥等重工業林立,造成該地區曾為全國空氣品質最不良區域,在空氣污染物排放特性掌握程度、管制對象及各項管制標準趨於完備及加嚴之下,空氣污染指標(PSI)>100之日數自86年至94年雖整體呈現下降之趨勢,唯臭氧及懸浮微粒仍為主要之指標污染物亦屬環保署公告之三級防制區,顯示僅就個別排放源管制對空氣品質之改善效果有限,欲達到國家環保計畫95年之2%(高屏目標6%)及100年之1.5%(高屏目標4%)之空氣品質目標,並由三級防制區降至二級防制區,以整體性空氣污染排放管制之考量及環保署推動之總量管制方式為未來之管制重點。因此,本研究針對屏東縣內應加強之管制工作,提出以固定源、移動源及逸散源管制等三大類別污染源為主並結合屏東縣特有污染源及觀光資源之管制策略,期達到改善屏東縣空氣品質之目標。
EngTitle 2005 Pingtung County’s air quality control and develop project
EngAbstract Pingtung County is located at Kao-Ping Air Quality Area that once was poorest area in Air Quality section. The have some reason cause the disadvantage diffusion of pollutant that including complicated pollutant feature, climate, geographic condition, and also numbers heavy industrial like electricity, petroleum, steel company as well. Under the control measure of pollutant feature, emission sources and all kinds of standards was completing and stern, the days of PSI >100 were down since 1997 to 2005 but the ozone and particles are still the main index of pollutant. That shows the limitation of improving air quality if we still control single emission source. If we want archive the national goal 2% (Kao-ping is 6%) in 2006 and 1.5% (Kao-ping is 4%) in 2011 and also upgrade to second grade from third grade. The key points are to considering tout ensemble measure and capacity strategies of EPA. Therefore, this study approaching three sources control measure that including stationary, mobile and emission, associating the control strategies features of pollutant sources and tourism to archive the goal of improving air quality.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司