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Title 移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動
Abstract 摘 要本計畫履約期限為簽約日至94年12月31日止,截自期末報告資料統計日期94年12月18日為止,各項工作項目執行成果說明如下:在攔(巡)查、攔檢方面:總計完成機車攔(巡)查26152輛,機車攔檢5492輛,合計完成量為31644輛,其中經由本計畫攔查、攔檢作業,完成定檢之車輛共29930輛,回檢率達93.4﹪;宣導活動方面亦完成25場次,其中包括:縣內大專院校、大型工廠、機關團體、租車行、中古車行及偏遠地區等區域之巡迴免費檢測工作,活動中並免費檢測機車共5053輛;在定檢站查核評鑑方面,共計完成5次定期查核、24家氣體檢驗及8家實車查核,查核結果並無重大缺失,相關查核及評鑑結果亦提送環保局進行獎懲工作;而定檢站教育訓練方面亦按進度規劃於5月及11月完成二場次教育訓練並配合定檢站聯誼會於10月加強舉辦一場次;而在定檢通知方面,計畫期間共寄發27000封公文通知及252392封機車定檢明信片通知,且寄發之程序均按環保署之規定按時完成寄發及退件信件之建檔工作;另民眾檢舉案件方面,則依規定完成查證及函覆工作,本年度共接獲民眾檢舉案件共157件,告發件數共為12件。整體而言,在環保署公佈之到檢率方面本縣10月份到檢率為45.95﹪,比較本縣歷年92年度及93年度同期之2月至10月定檢率之提昇之結果,以本年度增加幅度最大到檢率上升8.21﹪,由此結果顯見本計畫之執行對於督促車輛使用人注意車輛保養維護管理有明顯提升之成效。在檢測結果之統計分析方面:未定檢車輛數最高的主要集中於屏東市,其次是內埔鄉、東港鎮、萬丹鄉及潮州鎮等區域,而值得注意的是琉球鄉、恆春鎮、枋寮鄉、高樹鄉及林邊鄉等已設定檢站之鄉鎮,未定檢車輛比例均高於其他鄉鎮。由其機車車齡分佈可知,大部分定檢不合格及未定期完成定檢機車車齡集中於9年以上之老舊車輛。另依污染物排放濃度及機車廠牌之關係,不論CO或HC均以偉士牌及永豐排放污染量較高,光陽及三陽機車排放污染量較其它廠牌低。而由本縣定檢站檢測數統計結果月平均超過500輛者有6家,其中有1家檢測數超過900輛,另外有6家月平均檢測數低於100輛,由此統計結果之差異性顯示各定檢站的檢測數仍有成長空間。軟硬體設備的提升:本年度額外進行資訊管理系統的開發且目前本縣各定檢站均已完成寬頻連線。而本系統之特色可針對檢測數據即時化的管理及傳輸,以解決撥接方式所造成之效率問題,本軟體可經由寬頻連線資料傳輸,對各定檢站檢測數據進行查核,以判斷其合理性,藉以得知定檢站是否進行不當的檢測,更可進行相關資料公告及彙整分析,提供定檢站進行機車定檢資訊之查尋以避免各定檢站發生重複檢測之問題。在污染削減量方面,根據SIP績效考評空氣污染排放削減量計算原則,統計至11月底經攔檢及定檢檢測不合格車輛,經調修至合格後之車輛合計有184,395輛,其中二行程車輛佔33﹪、四行程車輛佔67﹪,合計削減之排放量NMHC為90.07公噸;CO之削減量為688.53公噸。在環保署94年評分指標辦法,本計畫除各季之考評之資料完整率均達滿分以外,經計算本計畫自評考核得分,其中預計可得滿分者為:未定檢機車稽查率、機車不定期檢驗不合格率、被告發車輛改善完成率、檢舉案件主動查証比率及人民檢舉污染車輛檢測並函覆處理比率;其它未得滿分的項目為機車排氣定檢率。
EngTitle Mobil source emission examination control plan – locomotive exhaust inspection and guidance activity
EngAbstract AbstractWe should accomplish this project from the day the contract was signed to 30st Dec. 2005. The executed achievements of each item were described as follows:In the aspect of inspection and examination: we have accomplished 26,152 vehicles for inspection and 5,492 vehicles for examination. Final, there were 31,644 vehicles finished the regular inspecting process and the re-checking rate reached 93.4%. In the aspect of advertised activities, we have also completed 25 courses which were held in college campuses, plants, government organizations, car & motorcycle leasehold stations, secondhand car & motorcycle shops and remote country areas, respectively and 5,053 vehicles for taking free inspection.And as for checking the regular vehicle inspection stations, we have accomplished 5 rounds of regular checking, 24 stations of gas-test and 8 stations for real car-test. The results indicated there were no significant problems existed. The relative check and evaluation reports have already committed to the department of environmental protection (DEP) to issue rewards or punishments. In the aspect of education-training for the workers on regular vehicle inspection stations, we have held two courses in May & Nov this year and added one in Oct to co-operate the station’s federation. We also have sent 27,000 official documents and 252,392 postcards for regular inspection to remind the receivers to inspect their vehicles on schedule. All messages were sent before the deadline set by the DEP, and recorded those unclaimed messages that were sent back. At the mention of popular impeachments, we have got 157 cases and replied 12 cases of them were indicted. According to the reports from DEP, the registration rate of Ping-tung country in October was 45.95% and had the highest raised rate (8.21%) was compared with those from Feb to Oct in the last two years. It could indicate distinctly this project had good effects to press drivers and bikers pay their attention on vehicle maintenance.According to the statistic analysis results of vehicle-inspection, unchecked vehicles were mainly centralized in Ping-tung city, and then take turns as follows: Nei-pu village, Tung-kang town, Wan-tan village and Chao-chou town. It’s notable that here were higher registration rate for vehicle inspection in Liu-chiu, Heng-chun, Fang-liao, Kao-shu, Lin-pien village where had regular vehicle inspection stations, there were higher registration rate for vehicle inspection. If the vintage of vehicle was considered, we could find the most ineligible vintage were almost found in old motorcycles which produced more than 9 years. As far as the relationship between the pollution concentration and the vehicle brand, it was found that no matter the concentration of CO or HC, Vespa and Kawasaki were higher than other brands and Kymco and SYM had lower than others. From another statistic record, there were 6 inspecting stations has more than 500 vehicles for inspection monthly , one of them even reached more than 900, but there were also 6 inspecting stations were found less than 100 motorcycles monthly. That meaning of those static reports indicated the vehicles for inspecting in every station still left more to be desired. In the aspect of promoting the equipments of software and hardware, we have developed additional information management system and completed ADSL lines for each station in Ping-tung country this year. The characteristics of this system included immediately manage and transfer the figures of inspected vehicles to resolve the efficient problems were generated by direct dialing. This software also could transfer information by using ADSL to cross-check all the inspected figures in every station and further assess its justification and find out whether the station have performed unfair inspection, even proclaim and integrate relative data as well as facilitate each station to retrieve regular inspecting information and prevent from overlapping. In the reduction of pollution amount, according to the formula was developed by SIP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for measuring the amount of air pollution, there were 184,395 ineligible vehicles got repaired, including 33% of two-stroke vehicles and 67% of four-stroke vehicles. Total reduced amount of NMHC and CO were 90.07 and 688.53 metric tons, respectively. According to the evaluation guideline of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in 2005, all the evaluative information from each season within this project was accomplished. We also expected the following items would be appraised to perfect score: in the proportion of investigation how many vehicles remain unchecked, the proportion of irregular inspection which find out vehicles that were not qualified, the proportion to push the ineligible motorcycles to get repaired, the proportion of actively checking out the impeachment cases as well as inspecting the impeached motorcycles and replying such kind of letters. But there would be one item miss the perfect score: the proportion of regular inspection of vehicles emission.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 裕山環境工程股份有限公司