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Title 94年屏東縣空氣品質惡化緊急應變管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫自94/3/16日起簽約執行,預計執行至94/12/31日。計畫目標以協助環保局推動屏東縣空氣品質惡化緊急應變措施之研擬與執行,並協助辦理高高屏清淨公約行動委員會及配合環保署相關考核作業與資料提供,並協助推動空氣品質不良查處作業。計畫具體工作項目包含(一)建制空氣品質惡化通報系統;(二)研訂及執行空氣品質惡化因應措施;(三)協助公私場所提報/修訂各級空氣品質惡化防制計畫;(四)強化屏東縣小區域空污災害事故應變整備與操練技術能量,擔任環保局之應變幕僚;(五)配合環保署相關資料提報與協助辦理相關會議等五大項。本計畫作業成果說明如下:一、 計畫執行期間,屏東縣實際發生空氣品質不良情形共60天,其中以O3佔55天,PM10佔5天。本縣以屏東測站、潮州測站涵蓋區域內之臭氧污染情形較為嚴重。其污染成因多與本縣地理位置位居高屏地區下風處,及季節性氣候影響,造成下沈氣流,污染不易擴散有關。二、 計畫執行期間,環保署監資處共發布41天空品預報不良情況,實際發生不良日為20天,指標污染物主要是臭氧。因應不良日之查處作業,各專案計畫配合進行相關各項管制工作,並透過經常性的稽巡查加強防制。本年度查處作業方式除交由各專案計畫依據污染物進行測站認養外,對於查處作業落實與否,亦提高管控要求。對於未回報,或回報未說明等情況,要求負責之專案計畫提供必要說明。各專案計畫回報查處作業成果之比率超過70%。三、 計畫執行期間,本計畫採以屏東、潮州、恆春測站之PSI值作為空氣品質不良通報指標,以每天每小時指標污染物PSI監測值作為條件判斷。當PM10 之PSI大於95以上或O3 之PSI大於85以上時,旋即發送簡訊通知各專案計畫進行查處作業,並請公司場所業者配合採取防制措施。四、 依據環保署「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」規定,及參考本縣轄區內氣象及污染源特性,修訂屏東縣「區域空氣品質惡化防制措施」草案。五、 篩選各類排放量前20大污染源,作為空氣品質不良之優先查處對象,及後續應訂定「各級空氣品質嚴重惡化防制計畫」之公私場所建議名單。六、 建立小區域空污災害事件處理系統,內容涵蓋諮詢、通報、救災、醫療、調查及環境監測等,並結合縣府原有之災害應變體系,強化整體應變能力。考量環保局職權及對公私場所環保業務長期管制下之狀況瞭解,將重點強調在救災諮詢、事故調查及環境監測作業上,再配合本縣既有之消防、緊急醫療、毒災等應變體系後,使得本縣整體救災體系中,空氣污染防制領域部分之緊急應變措施得以周全。七、 本計畫針對屏東縣內砂石場、農廢露天燃燒污染源,及屏南工業區等地,進行大氣採樣分析作業。根據採樣分析結果顯示:(1)本縣砂石專區進行河床砂石開採作業時及周圍砂石場正常作業時,大氣微粒之粒徑主峰分佈為3.2~5.6μm,且河床開採作業進行時,大氣中是以粗微粒(2.5~10μm)所佔比例較高。(2)廢蓮霧枝與稻草露天燃燒之大氣微粒粒徑分佈在0.56~1.0μm間,以細微粒為主。燃燒後微粒上水溶性離子濃度與碳成分濃度遠高於燃燒前之背景值,且離燃點越近,測值越高。(3)屏南工業區大氣環境中,日間SO2濃度較夜間SO2濃度高5.5倍。NO2及NOx濃度變化與上下班時間之交通流量相關性高。O3濃度變化範圍為18.6~110ppb,O3濃度在中午後明顯上升,至下午兩點時達最高值。THC濃度變化範圍為1.06~14.5ppm。NMHC濃度變化範圍為0.05~2.54ppb。CO濃度變化範圍為0~0.985ppm。
EngTitle 2005 Pingtung County's air quality get worse-urgent emergency project.
EngAbstract This project begins from 94/3/16th, estimating execution to 94/12/31st. The goal is to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County (EPB) to propel the emergency measure of local air quality deterioration, assisting the Kao-Ping Area cleaning treaty action committee and the coordinate EPB relative inspection work and the material provides, and assists to propel the investigation when air quality is worsen. The terms including (1) establish air quality worsening notification system; (2) grinds subscribes and carries out the air quality to deterioration in accordance to the measure;(3) assistance public and private place to establish the reports and revises all levels of air quality deterioration controlling project; (4) reinforcing the air pollution accident cooperation and the technical drilling in Pingtung County small region, Holds the general staff character of the EPB; (5) coordinating EPB correlative data report and assistance copes the conference and so on five major terms. This project work achievement elaboration as follows:1.During the execution, Pingtung County actually has the air quality deterioration altogether 60 days, the proportion were 55 days of O3 and 5 days of PM10. As the reason of Pingtung County is beneath Kao-Ping Region and the effect of climates that cause pollutant not easy to diffuse. There O3 pollution were much worsen around the Pingtung and Chaozhou inspection station.2.The environmental protection Administration (EPA) Supervises Department to issue 41 days deterioration forecasts, and 20 days that actually occurred, index pollutant was O3. Patrolling work in accordance to deterioration forecasts, each project coordination carries on is connected each control work And the regular checks does an inspection to reinforce the guard system. This year investigation was not only carried on the inspection station based various pollutants by each specify project but also to regard investigation work realization or not, also enhances the control process. Regarding has not reported, or reported situation was not cleared, the request is responsible for the special case plan to provide essential elaboration. Ratio of the various special projects reported investigation work achievement surpasses 70%.3.This project picks PSI value of Pingtung, Chaozhou and Hengchun inspection station as the deterioration index. The inspection stations judge every day by each hour index pollutant PSI value. When PSI of PM10 >95 or PSI of O3 >85, at once transmits the news brief to inform various special project carry on the investigation work. And asks the company work place coordination to take control measure.4.According to the “Air Quality Serious Deterioration Control treaty” and based on the EPB’s local characteristic. Revising "the region air quality deterioration system measure" draft for Pingtung County.5.20 major sources was been selected initially based on each kind of pollutant as first investigates the object when the air quality deterioration occurred, and following should subscribe the suggestion resources list of "the all levels of air quality deterioration control system plan".6.Establishes the small region air pollution event process system. The content contain the consultation, the notification, the disaster relief, the medical service, the investigation and the environmental monitoring and so on, and union county government office original disaster strain system, Reinforce overall capacity. To considerate EPB authority and under the long-term control condition understood to the public and private place environmental protection service that emphasis in disaster relief consultation, accident investigation and environmental monitoring work, After again coordinates this county cope system that already have like the fire prevention, urgent medical service, poisonous disaster and so on, establish overall disaster relief system in this county.7.This project was carried on the atmospheric sampling analysis inspection. gravel heap site, agricultural waste open-air burning source in Pingtung County and places such as Pingnan industrial district, Demonstrated according to the sampling analysis result that:(1) This county sand and crushed stone special area carries on when the river bed sand and crushed stone mining work when and periphery gravel heap site in normal work condition, Particle size of peak distribution in atmosphere was between 3.2μm and 5.6μm, and gets higher proportion of thick particle(between 2.5μm and 10μm)when the mining work carries on. (2) The particle size distribution was between 0.56μm and 1.0μm when open-air burning of waste branch and straw, mainly thin particle, and the measured value higher if burning place nearer. (3) In Pingnan industrial district atmosphere, SO2 concentration in the daytime was higher 5.5 times than that at night. The density change of NO2 and NOx was more relative to the traffic flow. O3 value was between 18.6ppb and 110ppb.The concentration obviously rises after the noon then reaches the maximum at 2 PM afternoon. THC concentration range was between 1.06ppm and 14.5ppm.NMHC concentration range was between 0.05ppb and 2.54ppb and CO concentration range was between zero and 0.985ppm.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 屏東縣環境保護局