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Title 監督輔導民間自行辦理廢包裝用發泡塑膠回收處理計畫
Abstract 環保署於92年12月31日與中華民國保麗龍回收再生協會(以下簡稱回收協會)簽訂「廢包裝用發泡塑膠民間責任業者自辦回收清除處理合約」,自93年1月1日至96年12月31日委託回收協會試辦全國廢包裝用發泡塑膠之回收清除處理及再利用等工作。執行本計畫之目的為監督及輔導民間責任業者自辦廢包裝用發泡塑膠之回收清除處理工作。經查核輔導93年第一季至第四季及94年第一季至第三季回收協會業務執行狀況及財務狀況,回收協會提供資料之完整性及提報會報資料之正確性均有明顯改善,回收處理之財務收入及支出內部控制機制也已建立,未來仍需持續監督及輔導回收協會落實執行內部控制機制。此外,本計畫已規劃包括回收市場面、財務支出面、人才技術面、運作管理面等四個層面之建議方案,以提昇回收協會民間自辦廢包裝用發泡塑膠回收處理作業之管理效率。
EngTitle Supervision and Facilitation of Private Responsible Parties for Self Management of Recycle and Treatment of Foam Packaging Plastics
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has signed the contract “Self Management of Recycle and Treatment of Foam Packaging Plastics by Private Responsible Parties” with the Chinese Taipei Expanded Polystylene Recycling Association (CTEPSRA) on December 31, 2003.Based on the contract, The CTEPSRA has been authorized by the EPA to implement a national program for recycle, treatment and reuse of foam packaging plastics in Taiwan from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2007.The objective of this project is to supervise and facilitate the private responsible parties for self-management of recycle and treatment of foam packaging plastics.Based on the audit on the first, second and third seasons’ operation records and financial reports of the CTEPSRA, the integrity and accuracy of the data information provided by the CTEPSRA has been improved significantly.The CTEPSRA has established an internal control mechanism of financial income and expenditure for recycle and treatment. However, the internal control mechanism shall be continuously supervised and facilitated to ensure sound implementation. This project has also proposed a plan to promote the management efficiency of the CTEPSRA with respect to recycle market, financial expenditure, technical expertise, and operation management.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 行政院環境保護署