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Title 屏東縣地下水暨不明棄置場址地下水水質調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫完成計畫內所有主要工作及成果摘要簡要說明如下:在地下水監測井設置方面,本年度完成監測井設置,使上、下游監測井數至少維持三口藉以提供完整水質資料;於場置性監測井維護保養方面,本年度完成17口井地下部分維護保養,地上部分保養完成項目包含二口井之墊高作業;另地下水水質調查方面,本年度完成17口場置性監測井及110口民井之地下水水質調查作業,以供環保局作為後續地下水水質管理之參考依據;在健康風險評估方面,本年度完成赤山巖及萬丹大鼎飼料旁等二處不明棄置場址之健康風險評估;於緊急應變措施方面,本年度完成屏東市歸仁段污染事件土壤及地下水查證作業,整治完成後進行複驗採樣調查,調查結果低於監測基準值;在加油站稽查作業及測漏管檢測方面,本年度完成加油站法規說明會共有114家與會;另完成133站兩次普查,共2036支測漏管功能測試及油氣調查,另篩選油氣濃度異常五家進行實驗室油氣分析;在建置土壤及地下水檢測之資料庫方面,本年度資料庫系統功能已建置完成,並納入屏東縣民國八十四年至九十三年土壤檢測資料及八十七年至九十三年屏東縣內場置性及區域性監測井檢測資料;在辦理土壤及地下水污染整治相關領域研討會方面,假墾丁飯店會議廳舉辦完成,25個縣市環保局有23個皆派員參加除席人員超過75人,並獲出席長官嘉許;本年度亦進行彙整區域及場置性監測井110口基本資料乙冊及更換井鎖方面,依92年彙整成果加入棄置場址17口及加油站5口場置性監測井資本資料並彙整成冊,完成110口井址97座標之定位及統一井鎖。
EngTitle The investigated project of groundwater and not clear dump on the address groundwater fluid matter in Ping-Tung country
EngAbstract The investigated project of groundwater and not clear dump on the address groundwater fluid matter in Ping-Tung country. The origin plans to start carry out after the category defined and had already completed all main works inside the project and the result summary as attach. The following aims at this team namely to complete at present of each work carry out a result one by one a synopsis explanat:The constitution work of the groundwater well, complete the well constitution, make up, the downstream well number maintains three people at least by with provide complete fluid matter data. The field place wells maintenance to maintain work, complete 17 wells in underground part maintenance to maintain before sample every season, ground the upper part cent maintain completion item to include high homework of the mat of 2 wells. The groundwater quality investigated work, Sample homework, and complete the analytical work of all samples in the completion well inside the provision term and 127 wells. complete to compare 17 field place wells and 110 wells with drinking water headwaters laws standard and the irrigation water fluid matter the standard. Add to measure the cation and anion to carry on the Piper illustrated manual table method, the method, the degree of hardness valuation of the irrigation water valuation and Simpson method valuation in the plentiful water period. The risk assessment of health, complete the risk assessment of health in Chih-Shan-Yen and Wan-Den. The survey of emergency response, complete returns the Kuei-Jen segment the pollution affairs soil in Ping-Tung City l and groundwater an identification homework, analyzing a result totally have two heavy metals in the soil grounds to have over the situation of the control standard, identify of two people the running water company the underground pump water well all low in control standard. Whole cure completion juniors to go recheck the sample inquisition, investigate a result low in monitor basis value. The gas station inspection work and measures to leak the tube examination, hold the laws explanation of the completion gas station to will there are 114s to attend meeting totally, and complete totally 133 stand two censuses. The adoption measures to explode the machine and PID to investigate 133 stations to complete 2036s to measure to leak tube function to test totally and the oil spirit work. The examination database of the soil groundwater, the examination database of the soil groundwater was built-completed, and also brought into the soil data in 1995~2004 and the data local area well in 1998~2004 in Ping-Tung. Carry out "the national soil and the groundwater pollution whole to cure business seminar", the seminar has hold in the meeting room of Ken-Din Hotel. 25 environmental protection bureaus have 23s to all send a member to attend in addition to seat personnel over 75 people, and get to attend a superior to praise.. Compile basic data of the district and 110 field places wells and changes a well lock, compile a result to join to dump on an address 17 people and the gas station 5 people's field to place sex well capital data and compile volume according to 2003, complete 110 people the well address fixed position of the coordinates in 97 and unify a well lock.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 裕山環境工程股份有限公司