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Title 屏東縣砂石場清查列管及裸露地管制計畫
Abstract 摘 要一、清查與列管本計畫於計畫執行初期即進行高屏溪、荖濃溪、隘寮溪、林邊溪及東港溪等主要河川進行沿線式全面性清查,經清查後共計新增4家砂石場、復工1家、轉讓經營有1家,總計現階段本計畫共列管60家砂石場(廠),其中正常運作中49家、暫時停工計11家、另因停工而篩除者(設備移除)13家。另根據清查資料統計,本縣砂石場作業設備總計土石料倉77個、立篩27台、顎碎機69台、震動篩193台、 錐碎機142台、石庫、洗選機115台56個及輸送帶582條。二、加強追蹤管制完成全面清查並彙整篩選出30家未符合第三級列管標準之廠家,列為本年度加強追蹤管制與輔導對象。經加強輔導設置及修復廠內污染防制設施後,現階段符合第三級分級列管者已由初期21家提升為49家,第二級為由30家降低為0家,各廠家均能落實操作污染防制設施。三、廠區內原物料來源掌握及建立堆置場規範高屏溪持續開放河川疏浚採石,砂石開採量為130.9萬m3,及高雄縣圓潭地區開採陸砂,提供本縣砂石場(廠)充裕的砂石原物料來源。由於原物料之堆置區極易因風蝕而產生揚塵逸散之現象,本年度配合環保署政策提出砂石場(廠)原物料堆置場之管制規範,規範區分為二項,分別為砂石原物料短期規範,堆置時間一個月以下者及中長期堆置規範堆置時間一個月以上者,均需符合制定之相關規範,以有效管制堆置場污染排放,目前本縣砂石場(廠)廠區原物料堆置均符合本規範。四、污染減量協談作業本年度針對4家新設置、1家復工及1家轉換經營之廠家(計有6家),彙整各廠家污染情形後,規劃彙整各廠家需改善項目,且製作了“污染減量協談承諾書”,逐廠進行污染減量協談,目前5家完成污染改善,1家因工廠用地遭法院拍賣中而無法進行廠區污染防制設備施工,且目前處於停工狀態。五、推行聯外道路認養在推行聯外道路認養之做法上分為兩大方向(1)砂石集中區之聯合認養(2)散居業者之個別認養;對於砂石集中區域之業者本計畫乃輔導其採聯合方式進行道路認養,認養工作包括每日灑水、道路維護保養及定期洗掃道路等;對於散居業者則採個別認養方式,本計畫輔導其至少認養廠區前道路0.2公里以上,本年度完成21條聯外道路,長度20.5公里之輔導認養工作。配合之廠家均承諾並填寫企業道路認養申請書,本計畫亦每月均進行各砂石場(廠)道路認養落實度進行查核,有效改善聯外道路車行揚塵。六、裸露地清查列管與輔導裸露地清查列管作業主要目的為掌握屏東縣境裸露地分佈、面積及其基本資料並進行輔導改善。列管砂石場(廠)、廢棄砂石場(廠)、測站週邊鄉鎮鄰近敏感區之人口密集區域與交通活動頻繁處裸露地為第一階段調查區域。第二階段清查範圍擴展至其他鄉鎮。運作中砂石場(廠)廠區裸露地清查列管10.28公頃,廢棄砂石場(廠)列管11處裸露地面積為5.96公頃,一般裸露地列管23處裸露地面積為11.35公頃及河灘裸露地列管1處面積1.0公頃,總計本年度清查掌握本縣境各類型裸露地面積為28.6公頃。在裸露地輔導改善方面,砂石場(廠)廠區裸露地輔導鋪設碎石面積5.06公頃,廢棄砂石場(廠)植被改善4.24公頃,一般裸露地及河灘裸露地輔導改善8.54公頃,共計改善17.84公頃,各項輔導改善均展現了具體成果。七、建立砂石場空品不良應變機制本年度積極與業者溝通協調並透過辦理示範宣導說明會,向砂石業者說明建立本縣空品不良應變機制之重要性,並廣為宣導空品不良緊急應變措施,讓業者了解在各級空品不良或惡化發生時,須如何配合環保單位進行廠區污染源作業之應變機制。目前完成組織本縣各砂石場(廠)集中區域空品不良之五大通報區域網,並完成搜集各廠家聯繫之行動電話號碼,完成建立在發佈空品不良訊息時環保局與縣境砂石場(廠)之通報應變機制。八、排放量與削減量依據本計畫94年3月~11月份期間實際巡查所得防制措施與基本資料進行推估,合計資料庫中建檔之60家次推估年總排放量約為2077.34公噸/年(平均排放量為173.1公噸/月),平均控制效率為60%。本年度砂石場(廠)之削減量來源,主要為輔導廠家加裝污染防制設備及裸露地輔導改善。依執行本計畫自3月至11月份為止,各項防制措施減量效率計算出削減量為272.26公噸,裸露地改善削減量為7.08公噸/年,合計總削減量為279.34公噸/年。有關本項作業之各項細節,詳報告第五章所述。
EngTitle Control Plan for Checking and Managing Pingtung County’s Sand Quarries and Bare Grounds
EngAbstract AbstractA. Detection and traceDuring the process of the project, we detect the gravel plants along the rivers of Gao-ping, Lao-nong, E-liao, Lin-bian and Dong-gang in Pintong County and have Sixty gravel plants in control—forty-nine operate properly and eleven stop temporally. Among others, the pollution emissions of thirty plants don’t meet the standards of the third-rate (the ideal rate) regulations and thus become the targets for trace and consultation. All the plants in trace take efforts to reduce the pollutions they produce and could comply with the third-rate regulations. Forty-nine gravel plants (from initially twenty-one) become the third-rate.B. Source and regulation The abundant sources of gravels in Pintong County come primarily from the dredging of Gao-ping River and the sand collection of Yuan-tan areas in Kaohsiung County. Gravel heaps are likely to spread dusts around because of wind erosion. In an attempt to advocate the policies of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this project focuses on gravel heaps regulations, including those of short-term (within one month) and long-term (over one month). C. Consultation On the basis of the detection result (four gravel plants are found new, one reopened and one changed its owner), we arrange consultations with these six gravel plants and make plans to help them reduce their pollution emission. Five of them have completed requirements to improve the pollution problems and the last one is in the condition of closedown.D. Roads cleanliness Gravel plants are responsible for the cleanliness of all roads connected to other counties and should keep neat their front road, at least more than 0.2 kilometers in length. The relevant jobs include daily street flushing, road maintenance and regular road sweeping. This year they have assumed the responsibility of the cleanliness of twenty-one roads (20.5 kilometers in length) to nearby counties.E. Mutual communication Seminars are also held to educate the gravel plants owners about how to react when air quality becomes worse. Five communication nets are established and the communicative cell phones of each gravel plants are collected. Therefore, every gravel plant can react properly when the regional environmental protection bureau announce bad air quality. F. Emission and reductionAccording to the statistics of pollution database that are collected from March to November of 2005, the pollution emission of this year is amount to 2077.34 tones per year (173.1 tones per month) and the pollution reduction rate is 60%. Pollution control apparatuses are largely adopted by those plants which we have consultation with. Therefore, the overall pollution reduction amount goes as 279.34 tones per year.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 屏東縣環境保護局