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Title 土壤及地下水污染整治場址土地開發利用執行措施建置計畫
Abstract 目前「土壤及地下水污染整治法」係採取雙門檻之整治基準,除訂定管制標準外,另外考量場址可能因涉及其他土地開發之用途,故於整治場址之土地因配合土地開發而為利用者,其土壤、地下水污染整治基準或目標,得由中央主管機關會商有關機關專案核定;同法第46條則考量,在環境主導模式為原則,效益指導模式為例外之原則下,規定土地開發行如涉及土壤、地下水整治場址之污染土地者,其土地開發計畫得與污染整治計畫同時提出,並各依相關法令審核。行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為鼓勵民間配合土地開發進行整治場址整治工作,加速場址之整治及開發,遂執行本計畫以研擬土壤及地下水污染場址整治獎勵制度,並建置整治場址土地利用開發相關制度及程序。本計畫完成主要工作包括建立土壤及地下水污染場址整治獎勵制度,鼓勵民間配合土地開發進行整治場址整治工作、規劃整治場址土地再利用程序,建立整治場址土地利用開發相關制度、彙整我國土地使用變更審議法令及流程,及與污染土地有關實務運作機制、探討污染整治工作配合土地開發利用執行程序,提出土污法有關土地開發利用之修法建議等。
EngTitle Establish of implementation measures for land developments of soil and groundwater contaminated sites project
EngAbstract The “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act” specifies two separate possible procedures for its remediation standard. One procedure is for land that is deemed a remediation site and the other is for land deemed a remediation site but also utilized to accommodate land development. For land used to accommodate land development, the soil or groundwater pollution remediation standards (targets) may be specially approved by the competent central authority after consulting with relevant government agencies. Article 46 of the “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act”, also stipulates the following provision which is mainly based on the principle of bettering the environment while balancing the economic benefits:If a land development plan involves a remediation site, the land development plan may be submitted together with the pollution remediation plans and be reviewed pursuant to applicable laws and regulationsIn order to encourage private citizens sectors and non-governmental agencies to conduct land development involving remediation sites and therefore speed the remediation and development of such sites, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) carried out this project to study and prepare a system of rewards for the remediation of soil and groundwater pollution sites and establish the relevant systems and procedures:The main tasks of the project are as below:To establish the system of reward for encouraging the private remediation of the soil and groundwater pollution sites.To plan the land use procedures for the remediation sites.To build up the relevant land use and development systems for the remediation sites..To compile the domestic laws, regulations and procedures for changing the classification of land use.To compile the relevant practical operation measures for polluted land.To study the execution procedures for the pollution remediation work in accordance with the land use and development.To provide suggestions on the amendment of the “Soil and Underground Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act” related to the land use and development.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司