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Title 加油站油氣回收設施設置清查及測試計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容分別為:1.加油站資料庫維護、更新、擴充與建檔管理,並建立文書檔案。2.辦理加油站環保法規宣導及油氣回收設施維護保養訓練會。3.確保加油站油氣回收設施功能,並研擬評估改善方式及經費,4.推估加油站污染排放量,5.加油站後續追蹤管制方案研擬。加油站營運中列管名單有90站,其中有77站已設置油氣回收設備,設置率為86%(更新至94.11)。43座加油站油氣回收設備功能檢測,油槍氣油比平均合格率為71%,已要求加油站進行改善與複查,檢測與輔導之VOCs減量成效為67公噸/年(含裝設油氣回收設備之減量)。加油站須有定期維護,並配合設備維護資料建檔管理與定期檢測,至於維護頻率建議3個月至少一次,清積油頻率2~3天一次,加油站可視發油量現況與站上維護技術,自行調整頻率與委託專業廠商或加強人員訓練,方能維持設備有效操作與回收功能。辦理二場設備維護操作保養訓練與法規說明會,共126站次參加,提升加油站維護保養之技術、教育正確加油觀念、訓練加油站自我檢測與故障排除,並宣導管理辦法及配合管理辦法加油站相關注意事項,輔導未設置業者盡快裝設回收設備,有效與參加之業者進行雙向意見溝通,並將業者反映問題及建議提報環保局。依據本計畫執行成果與管制執行面需求,研擬管制方案,考量行政、技術及法律等三方面,利用查核、優良表彰、技術宣導與輔導、管制原則明確化等作為,以期提升加油站油氣回收設備合格率,確實達到污染減量,改善環境空氣品質。協助環保局對油氣回收設置計畫書之審查與現場施工查核。今年度共有2家新設站設置案件,審查結果皆通過,對於審查中發現之缺失,已告知業者,並輔導業者進行改善,以確保新設站油氣回收設施正確之裝設。
EngTitle The Facility Examination and Function Test of Vapor Recovery System in Petroleum Stations
EngAbstract The main targets of this project will be classified into five sections.(1) The regular maintenance, update, expand, set up and management files, and set up document files. (2) Hold two meetings such as gasoline station environment rule propaganda meeting and gasoline vapor recovery equipment maintain and operate meeting. (3)Make sure the function of the gasoline vapor recovery facility and consider the way of estimate improve and cost. (4)Estimate gasoline station pollution value. (5)Study gasoline station follow-up track restrain.There are 77 out of total 90 gasoline stations had build gasoline vapor recovery equipment, the rate of build is 86%. (update to 94/11). The Air to Liquid Ratio (A/L) test is conducted to 43randomly selected gasoline stations. The average qualified rate is 71%. For those unqualified stations, improve and double check their current situation via offering, the total reduce volume is 67 tons/year after these 43 stations’ assistance that had examined and student counseling (included the total reduce volume of gasoline vapor recovery). Periodical maintained and facility maintained, data filing managed and examined for gasoline station. Suggest that the maintain rate at lest once every three months, once every tow or three days for clean residual gasoline. In oil amount situation and maintain technology in gasoline station, gasoline station can adjust maintain rate by themself and entrust professional factories or enhance training for staff, it could be maintain efficient operation for facility and recycle. Hold two meetings such as maintain operation train meeting and gasoline station’s rule interpretation meeting, total attendant station is 126. Due to promote the technology for gasoline station maintain, education the right fuel up concept, train themself check for gasoline station and the fault eliminate, cover and cooperate mange way for gasoline station notice matters, guidance and assistance non-set up gasoline vapor recovery’s gasoline stations set it up immediately. Effective against communicate with proprietor and address the questions and suggest for EPA. According to the project’s requirement for implement fruitful results and manage. Study manage scheme and consider three ways for administration, technology and law, that be using check, excellent commend, technology propagate and guidance and manage principle clear and definite, in order to positive that expect promote gasoline vapor recovery quality rate, achieve pollution reduction and improve environment air quality. Assist EPA to examine and check the gasoline station in suit for gasoline vapor recovery facility proposal. There are have 2 new set up stations case and pass through the examine in this year, found fault in examine that has told proprietor and improved, in order to positive that in right set up for new gasoline station’s gasoline vapor recovery.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 祥威環境科技有限公司