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Title 總量管制制度建置(二)計畫
Abstract 本計畫為以高高屏為主之二年之總量管制施政計畫,本計畫主要針對縣市空氣污染防制計畫、高高屏地區之污染物基線認可、指定削減、排放量保留、抵換、交易、查核等內容進行規劃。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)檢討縣市空氣污染防制計畫規劃內容並辦理諮詢會議,完成94年計畫目標、工作內容、計畫達成度計算方式與95、96年空氣污染防制計畫書審查,提出97、98年計畫書撰寫範本(二)研訂高高屏總量管制計畫,完成空氣品質分析、問題分析、規劃36大類建議推動措施及32大類建議替代備用措施、減量情境分析、模式模擬分析與2次研商會議(三)完成總量管制配套法規規劃與硫氧化物及氮氧化物指定削減試算,硫氧化物西部四空品區實施指定削減後共可減量15,853公噸,主要來自高高屏空品區,氮氧化物共有減量31,799公噸,主要亦來自高高屏空品區,並完成規劃認可與指定削減準則、申請程序與試算指引之編撰(四)規劃排放量保留、抵換、交易、查核制度,建議我國總量管制交易制度二階段三期之推動方式(第一期為記設污染源自願參與減量、第二期為新設/變更之一定規模污染源實施抵換交易及一定規模既存污染源實施指定削減、第三期全面實施配額總量管制交易制度),並整理國外實施經驗,初步規劃交易中心組織與運作重點,完成「固定污染源差額排放量認可、保留、抵換及交易辦法(草案)」、高高屏發電廠抵換交易試行模擬、業者參與意見調查並參與國內外會議(五)協助空氣品質關計畫整合(六)空保處網頁資料更新維護。
EngTitle Total Air Emissions Control Project
EngAbstract This is a two-year master regulatory project which takes Kao-Kao-Pin Air Quality Management District (KKP-AQMD) as an example to implement the total air emissions control scheme. For the second year, the main purposes of the project is planning emissions offset/trading scheme, its relevant policy package, RACT, baseline emissions, offset, trading, banking and other relevant rules and policys.The following summarize work that have been done in this year: (1) reviewed 2005 State Implementation Plans (SIPs), completed the work of goals of improvement, task goals, and achievement calculation methods of 2005 SIPs, conducted SIPs workshops and seminars, and provided the advices and writing sample to states for their 2008 and 2009 SIP preparation; (2) revised and updated KKP-AQMP including completing the work of air quality analysis, problem analysis, 36 control measures and 32 suggested contingency measures planning, emission reduction scenarios, modeling analysis, and 2 workshops on relevant topics; (3) completed the planning of policy package for total emission control scheme and the work of RACT compliance guidance, application process, and reduction estimation for SOx (15,853 tons) and NOx (31,799 tons); (4) reviewed experiences from other countries, completed planning for the Emissions Reduction Credits (ERCs) relevant work and rules, including schemes of ERCs banking, offsetting, trading, auditing, 2 phase and 3 stage of draft implement plan for applying ERCs, ERCs management center, and ERCs applying and relevant rules and regulations; (5) supported related air quality projects; (6) updated and maintained the website for the Department of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社