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Title 94年度廢棄物焚化爐有害空氣污染物及惡臭物質管理輔導計畫
Abstract 本計畫為「廢棄物焚化爐有害空氣污染物及惡臭物質管理輔導計畫」三年(2003~2006)中程計畫之第三年計畫,其執行方式係參考第一、二年計畫之作法,並依據第二年計畫的結論與建議事項規劃和執行。本計畫共清查66座桃園縣境內之焚化爐、電弧爐或以一般或事業廢棄物作為燃料或輔助燃料之固定污染源,目前有33座持續運轉,29座停止運轉,3座固定污染源變更製程不使用廢棄物做為輔助燃料,故解除列管,1座尚未開始正式運轉。運轉中之焚化爐及電弧爐法規符合度大致良好,僅有光炫環工與長庚醫院林口分院焚化爐因超出戴奧辛排放標準目前正在進行改善中。本計畫選定勁錸科技股份有限公司、東和鋼鐵企業股份有限公司桃園廠、中國石油股份有限公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠為實廠輔導與戴奧辛減量規劃對象。在經過實廠輔導及焚化爐改善工程後,勁錸科技與中國桃煉M33焚化爐之戴奧辛排放濃度已由原先超過排放標準降低至符合排放標準之範圍,估算戴奧辛的減量比例分別約為60%、50%,顯示實廠輔導之作法產生具體成效。本計畫分別於於桃園縣七大工業區、1處都會區、及3處具有污染潛勢地區進行周界空氣戴奧辛、重金屬調查工作。由調查結果顯示,在桃園縣特定地區(勁錸科技公司鄰近地區、平鎮工業區、觀音工業區、大園工業區及中壢工業區)之周界空氣戴奧辛濃度水準高於台灣地區之一般平均水準(~ 0.1 pg I-TEQ/Nm3),東和鋼鐵公司電弧爐之戴奧辛排放已對鄰近地區空氣中戴奧辛濃度造成影響;在周界空氣重金屬的調查結果中,所有調查地區周界空氣中的鉛、鎘濃度均遠低於周界標準。由周界空氣戴奧辛及重金屬調查數據所進行之風險評估結果,發現桃園縣各特定地區來自大氣的戴奧辛暴露量對於成年民眾或孩童的暴露風險是屬於可接受的範圍。桃園縣特定地區周界空氣中5種可能致癌重金屬(砷、鈹、鎘、鎳、鉛)的平均致癌風險約為百萬分之0.30,其中砷的平均貢獻度達57%,由於平均致癌風險低於百萬分之一,尚屬在可接受之範圍內。在具污染潛勢地區所進行之地表土壤戴奧辛、重金屬調查結果中,發現東和鋼鐵股份有限公司之廠區內外地表遭受戴奧辛與重金屬污染,應持續追蹤相關污染現象是否有擴大趨勢,並對桃園縣其他二處煉鋼業電弧爐地區進行類似之調查,以瞭解是否有相同的污染情形發生。在戴奧辛稽查檢測的7座焚化爐中,長庚醫院林口分院焚化爐與宇鴻科技公司固體廢棄物焚化爐(P001)之戴奧辛排放皆超過排放標準,長庚醫院林口分院焚化爐已自報停工,目前尚在進行改善中;宇鴻科技公司固體廢棄物焚化爐已完成改善,改善後之檢測結果符合戴奧辛排放標準。桃園縣焚化爐(電弧爐)戴奧辛推估排放量從92年至93年間共削減了6.80 g I-TEQ/年,削減幅度達到38%,主要削減貢獻來自超過130家以上的小型焚化爐停止運轉,以及煉鋼業電弧爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準的施行。93年至94年間,桃園縣焚化爐(電弧爐)戴奧辛推估排放量削減了0.76 g I-TEQ/年,整體降幅僅為7%,其整體降幅遠低於92年至93年間之降幅,主要原因是自從93年以後,桃園縣運轉中的焚化爐(電弧爐)座數變化不大,並且都已符合戴奧辛排放標準,所以業者對於進一步提升污染防制效率的意願不高,減量空間有限。桃園縣目前列管之戴奧辛排放源以電弧爐所佔的戴奧辛排放貢獻量最高,可達95%以上,故煉鋼業電弧爐的戴奧辛排放管控,實為影響桃園縣戴奧辛排放量高低之重要因素,也是攸關戴奧辛減量成效的關鍵。
EngTitle Waste Incinerator and Odor Control Project in 2005
EngAbstract This project is the 3rd year of a three-year medium-range project (2003~2006) “Management and Assistance of hazardous air pollutants from solid-waste incinerators and odorous materials”, which was carried out according to the methods used in the 1st and 2nd year. In addition, the conclusion and recommendation from the 2nd year project were also fully taken into consideration with corresponding actions being taken. We have checked 66 incinerators, electric arc furnaces or stationary air pollution sources using general or industrial waste as fuel or auxiliary fuel located, all located in Taoyuan County. Currently, 33 are in operation, 29 stop operation, 3 stationary air pollution sources are relieved of restrain after changing process and not using waste as fuel, 1 is yet to start operation. In general, the operational incinerators and electric arc furnaces cohere to regulatory requirements, except the incinerators of GuangXuan Environmental Engineering Technologies Co., Ltd., and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Linkou branch) are currently under improvements due to exceeding dioxin effluent standard. We have targeted Jin Lai Technologies Co., Ltd., Tung Ho Steel (TH) Enterprise Cooperation (Taoyuan branch), Petroleum Refinery (Taoyuan branch) of the Refining Division of Chinese Petroleum Cooperation (CPC) as candidates for field assistance and dioxin abatement. After field assistance and incinerator improvement plan, the dioxin emission form Jin Lai and M33 incinerators of CPC become accordance to regulatory requirements. The abatement amount was estimated to be 60% and 50%, respectively, indicating the concrete effects of field assistance.We have surveyed levels of ambient dioxin and heavy metals in 7 industrial parks, 1 metropolitan region, and 3 potentially polluted regions. The survey results indicate that ambient dioxin concentrations in certain specific region of Taoyuan County are higher than the average in Taiwan (~ 0.1 pg I-TEQ/Nm3). The electric arc furnace of TH has effected the ambient dioxin in neighboring area. The ambient Pb and Cd concentrations in all surveyed region are well below the ambient standards. Risk assessment results indicate that dioxin exposure for Taoyuan adult and children are within acceptable range. The average cancer risk from exposure to cancer-causing heavy metals (As, Be, Cd, Ni, and Pb) is estimated to be 0.30x10-6. The contribution from As is about 57%. The cancer risk is below 10-6 and is within the acceptable range.We also found that the soil in and out the TH plant is contaminated by both dioxin and heavy metals. We suggest continuing the survey to find out if the scope of contamination is being broadened or not. Furthermore, we also suggest conducting similar investigations on the other two electric arc furnaces in Taoyuan, aiming to understand if there were similar contaminations. The dioxin emission in Taoyuan is estimated to reduce 6.80 g I-TEQ from 2003 to 2004, mainly from the shut-down of over 130 small solid waste incinerators and the implementation of Steel Industry Electric Smelting Furnace Dioxin Control and Emission Standard. Only 0.76 g dioxin was reduced from 2004 to 2005, which is about 7% and far lower than that in 2003~2004 period. Presumably due to the number of incinerators and electric arc furnaces remained about the same and all cohere to Waste Incinerator Dioxin Control and Emission Standard, Small and Medium Sized Incinerator Dioxin Control and Emission Standard, and Steel Industry Electric Smelting Furnace Dioxin Control and Emission Standard. The private sector has no incentive to further improve efficiency of air pollution abatement devices. The amount for further dioxin reduction is limited. Currently, electric arc furnaces contribute the most (~95%) to the dioxin emission among restrained dioxin emission sources. The control of dioxin emission from electric arc furnaces is critical to the overall dioxin emission and dioxin abatement efficiency in Taoyuan County.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 凌永健