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Title 加油站暨餐飲業揮發性污染源管制計畫
Abstract 隨著油品市場之開放,近年來加油站如雨後春筍般的開設,根據本計畫清查之結果,桃園縣加油站高達270站,為全國第1,而且總發油量則為全國第2。以加油站數量逐年增加之趨勢,必須加以管制,否則其逸散揮發性有機物污染情形也將越嚴重,造成臭氧惡化問題;另加油站多位於交通繁忙、人口集中之地區,所排放之揮發性有機物對周遭居民健康造成之危害亦益形顯著。為加速推動環境空氣品質改善工作,桃園縣政府環保局於90年度著手推動加油站污染管制工作,已建立一套完整之加油站管制制度,成效良好。行政院環保署於民國94年9月13日修正公告「加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法」,預定將於95年1月1日,全面納管全國之所有加油站。本計畫現階段工作,除持續推動加油站朝100%完全設置油氣回收設施外,並充分發揮油氣回收設施功能,100%達到符合法規標準之目標努力外,並配合新公告之法規,執行相關宣導及管制、稽查作業,落實加油站污染管制,並開始施行油氣回收標章,以有效降低加油站對環境造成之負面影響。另外,污染物同為揮發性有機物之餐飲業油煙,近年來由於國人對生活環境品質之要求日漸高漲,且餐飲油煙乃是近年來民眾陳情檢舉案件主因之一,環保署已列為管制重點。故本計畫將針對桃園縣餐飲業建立污染物排放及排放資料後,藉以宣導、輔導改善、改善追蹤及稽查等方式達到管制桃園縣餐飲業污染之排放情形及改善桃園縣空氣品質。各項工作之成果摘要說明如下:一、新設加油站審查結果自91年2月27日至93年底前,提出申請設置加油站共有19處新設加油站,其中19站均已完成設置第1階段審查,17站完成設置第2階段審查, 15站完成「油槍油氣回收設施及功能測試報告書」,並提送環保局備查。94年度至今則有10處新設加油站提出設置申請,分別為北海等10家加油站,其中有8家加油站完成設置第1階段審查,2家加油站未通過設置第1階段審查,需再行重新提出申請;另5家加油站完成設置第2階段審查,均未提出「油槍油氣回收設施及功能測試報告書」,以完成營運階段審查。二、既設加油站清查與油槍油氣回收設備功能查核本計畫本年度持續對桃園縣所有加油站進行全面性清查,並對尚未裝設油槍油氣回收設施持續進行追蹤。結果顯示本縣270座加油站均已於95年3月底前,完成油氣回收設施裝設,並已達成100%裝設率之階段性任務。本計畫進行所有油槍之氣油比測試,共測試了259站,5,772枝油槍,回收氣油比測試合格之油槍數量為4,393根,全縣初測平均合格率為76.11%,比起去年度58.74%,呈現相當大之進步。本計畫進行氣漏測試之結果,在所測試之33座加油站中,有全鋒大吉站等9座加油站之氣漏測試屬於不合格。三、落實加油站管制法規環保署已於94年9月13日進行「加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法」修正公告。因此,目前本計畫為因應「管理辦法」修正公告實施。(一)管理辦法修正公告前1.本計畫已於94年6月2日邀請未裝設油氣回收設施之加油站進行設置作業協談,當時未裝設之忠德等5家加油站,除永安海濱1家加油站外,均簽有設置同意書及預計設置期程。2.本計畫於加油站查核測試期間,即已將管理辦法即將修正之訊息以及相關內容,預先告知加油站,輔導加油站如何因應並請站方做好維護保養工作。3.本計畫已於94年7月28日辦理油氣回收設備保養維護講習、法規及油氣回收標章說明會,邀請全縣加油站參與,會內加強宣導加油站相關管制法規,以及94年9月13日公佈之法規修正方向內容,並對加油站業者提出本縣加油站未來的管制方向。(二)管理辦法修正公告後1.本計畫於94年10月20日發文未裝設油氣回收設施加油站要求儘速裝設,併同發文其餘已裝設油氣回收設施加油站,要求維護油氣回收設施功能正常,以及按時執行相關檢測,並保存建檔備查,以符合管理辦法規定。2.本計畫針對未裝設油氣回收設施加油站,進行裝設後之後續追蹤調查,除了永安海濱加油站之外,其餘所有未設置油氣回收設施之加油站,均已於管理辦法修正公告實施前(94年12月底)完成裝設,並且於95年1月前完成測試,唯有於95年3月底前完成裝設。因此,本計畫將該站列為95年4月管理辦法緩衝期過後之優先稽查名單,並於95年4月17日配合環保局承辦進行稽查工作,另外對於回收設施故障情形,本計畫亦於95年5月18日配合進行中油三民路站稽查。3.本計畫於94年12月針對初測結果較差之加油站進行複查工作以及氣漏測試,將複查之結果,請各加油站留底,並要求「無改善」、「稍有改善」、「惡化」及「氣漏測試不合格」之加油站進行改善;對於上述3種情形之加油站,本計畫將其列為建議稽查名單內。(三)本計畫並完成7家未裝設油氣回收設施加油站之查核確認工作7家均已完成裝設且功能正常;進行2家受陳情加油站污染查核。四、加油站宣導及相關會議(一)新設加油站審查及加油站巡查作業事項教育訓練會本計畫舉辦訓練會,提供自本縣加油站管制以來,執行上所遇之相關實務及案例,與環保局各區承辦人員進行技術交流。(二)油氣回收設備保養維護講習、法規及油氣回收標章說明會對加油站管制法規內容及未來管制方向作說明,提出桃園縣未來管制重點;推廣本縣推動之加油站「油氣回收標章」;另外並進行油槍油氣回收設備維修保養訓練。(三)國際無車日宣導本項活動於新屋鄉福興宮環保局攤位配合辦理宣導。本計畫製作宣導海報;現場發送「不強制加油」宣導面紙;播放不強制加油宣導短片;另外本計畫將相關內容,提出有獎問答,現場民眾踴躍參與有獎問答活動。(四)不強迫加油宣導活動本活動於94年12月21日正式展開,為期一個月,94年12月27日當天邀請環保局陳局長嘉興到中油武陵加油站現場參與宣導,並有南、北桃園及北健有線電視媒體新聞記者作採訪;聯合報、中國時報、自由時報,隔日分別刊出此宣導活動新聞報導。本年度「不強迫加油宣導」推動由縣府公務車率先帶頭響應落實「加油到跳停」,且由環保局長帶頭示範。另外也希望藉由本次活動養成本縣加油員看到貼紙直接「加油到跳停」的習慣。(五)油氣回收標章設計頒獎、頒發典禮暨環保優良加油站示範觀摩會本宣導說明會於95年5月30日假桃園縣公務人員訓練中心,邀請本縣所有加油站代表參加。會中由桃園縣朱立倫縣長先對「油氣回收標章」圖形入選者進行頒獎,並對獲得認證之加油站進行授證之工作;接著本計畫進行加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法修正暨相關新增標準檢測方法說明、本縣油氣回收標章申請說明;邀請本次「油氣回收標章」獲得認證之加油站進行經驗交流;另外邀請到工研院林志盈先生,進行加油站污染防制設施維護保養及自主管理訓練;最後則到本次受認證加油站之全國鶯歌交流道加油站,進行現場觀摩。(六)宣導手冊手冊內容主要包括下列幾項:基礎篇:1.油氣回收設施維護之正確觀念。 2.油氣回收設施簡易維護及故障排除。進階篇:1.加油站油氣外洩的危害。 2.油氣回收設施。 3.油氣回收設施維護保養。 4.設備維護管理及檢查重點。 5.加油站維護管理之必要性。法規:加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法(94.9.13修訂,95.1.1施行)。五、加油站排放量推估總計本計畫查核測試之各加油站與輔導新裝設油氣回收設施之既設加油站,所得到之總削減量為183.3公噸/年(以本計畫查核之發油量計),削減率為21.60%。六、推動油氣回收標章本計畫辦理油氣回收標章圖形徵選活動,選出桃園縣獨有的油氣回收標章。另根據上一年度已研擬完成「油氣回收標章推動辦法草案」,與環保局進行研商討論,修正名稱為「油氣回收標章作業要點」,最後完成定案公告,並已完成執行首次13座加油站加油站標章認證之工作,並於進行完成標章授證儀式。七、餐飲業查核及測試(一)建立完成表單及相關作業程序,並以實際執行稽巡查方式,來檢討修正查核表單及相關作業程序。(二)進行本縣餐飲業名單清查工作,結果顯示本縣餐飲業總共有2,233家餐飲業。(三)進行301家餐飲業之現場查核工作,分析本縣餐飲業之空氣污染防制情形及排放情形。(四)進行5家餐飲業者之稽查工作,並執行8點次餐飲業臭味官能測定採樣分析,結果顯示8家受測之餐飲業均超過周界關能測定標準。八、餐飲業空氣污染防制相關資料(一)餐飲業油煙及臭味管制資訊:我國及國外餐飲業油煙及臭味管制(二)餐飲業污染物質資料:餐飲業空氣污染來源、一般污染物、揮發性有機物(油煙)對人體健康之影響。(三)餐飲業油煙污染防制設備資料彙整及分析:前處理設備、管末處理設備(四)餐飲業油煙污染防制設備設計(五)餐飲業油煙污染防制設備廠商名錄九、餐飲業宣導(一)編輯1,500份餐飲業宣導手冊(二)辦理餐飲業油煙廢氣污染防制及法規宣導會於95年1月23日辦理,邀請本縣餐飲業參加。會中由先對餐飲業管制法規內容及未來管制方向作說明,同時亦針對桃園縣未來管制重點提出預告;另外邀請講師,進行餐飲業污染防制訓練。(三)辦理桃園縣餐飲業污染防制績優餐廳評選作業鼓勵餐飲業重視環保工作,辦理本縣第一屆「嗆嗆滾」餐廳評選活動,鼓勵餐飲業者重視污染防制工作,並藉由宣導活動鼓勵民眾前往優良餐廳用餐。評鑑結果包括古華飯店-明皇樓中餐廳等7家餐飲業者,獲選為桃園縣第一屆「嗆嗆滾」餐廳,進行公告並籌備未來宣導促銷活動。十、餐飲業輔導(一)餐飲業空氣污染防制輔導協談會本輔導協談會於95年1月5日辦理。會中先對餐飲業管制法規內容及未來管制方向作說明,同時亦針對桃園縣未來管制重點提出預告;另外邀請北市廚具工會理事黃國全先生,做為本次輔導協談會的技術諮詢講師。(二)辦理餐飲業改善輔導本計畫對30家受陳情餐飲業者進行輔導,並協助提供「餐飲業污染減量輔導改善建議書」,並要求業者逐步進行改善。本計畫並進行追蹤,已有8家餐飲業完成改善工作。(三)餐飲業最佳可行控制技術規劃餐飲業最佳可行控制技術時,除考量餐飲業類型及規模外,並針對陳情案較常反應的餐飲油煙惡臭問題,擬定建議採用之控制技術。本計畫將資料蒐集及洽詢專業廠商結果,整理完成餐飲業最佳可行控制技術。(四)建立餐飲業技術諮詢網頁本計畫已建立完成「桃園縣餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導及線上諮詢」網頁,提供本縣餐飲業油煙污染防制技術諮詢管道。(五)餐飲業線上諮詢輔導為了提昇餐飲業輔導之諮詢服務,本計畫提供線上諮詢輔導管道,並將諮詢輔導作成紀錄。建置完成有︰1.專線電話輔導。2.網路諮詢輔導(包括建立網頁及電子郵件帳號或留言板)。十一、資料庫完成6座新設加油站基本資料建檔,264座加油站之基本資料及259座油氣回收設施之測試結果等工作成果輸入加油站資料庫中。完成301餐飲業之查核資料建檔,檢討餐飲業資料庫建置及比對固定源資料庫,及完成餐飲業回饋EPA97資料庫檢討如下:1.餐飲業無固定污染源許可制度核發之情形,以進行列管。2.無法進行申報查核。3.無法進行餐飲業法規符合度查核。4.無法進行餐飲業法排放量及管制申報。5.排放量資訊與實際情形不符。6.飲業查核項目與固定源巡查作業、許可查核項目不同,需進行整合。
EngTitle Pollutant sources controlling plan of source gas stations and restaurant businesses in Taoyuan County in 2005
EngAbstract There are 270 gas stations in Taoyuan County that is the champion in the nation. And total consumption of oil quality is second. The situations of VOCs evaporation get more and more serious by increasing numbers of gas stations year by year. And it makes deterioration of ozone concentration. In addition locations of gas stations is in the regions of busy traffic and centers, their VOCs emissions cause the health of neighboring residents harm. The purpose of proposals is for pushing recycle of oil gas ceaselessly. Besides working hard to comply with the regulation, cooperating with pollution control measures and operating recycling marks of oil gas. It is for decreasing the negative influence that is caused by gas stations.The soot pollution of restaurant businesses is another VOCs pollutant, and it is the major factor of public nuisance petitions in the recent years. EPA has listed them as important controls. So the proposal is for building the pollutant emissions data of restaurant business in Taoyuan County, it can control the pollutant emissions of restaurant business by ways of public awareness, guidance, follow-up improvement, investigation, and so on.Abstract of proposal items summary in 2005 shows as following:1. Reviewing results of newly installed gas stations.10 newly installed gas stations have submitted installed applications until the year of 2005. There are 8 gas stations that have approved by reviewing of first stage and 2 gas stations that have not approved.2. Checking existing gas stations thoroughly and investigate oil gas recovery systems.This proposal checks all gas stations in Taoyuan County comprehensively, and the result showed that there are 270 gas stations have already finished installing the oil gas recovery systems. So the present missions have completed fully. Processing all Air/Liquid ratio test of all grease guns. The work includes test of 259 stations and 5,772 grease guns. The result shows 4,393 grease guns are passed by the test and the qualification rate on average is 76.11% in the initial survey of the whole county. The results of oil gas recycle test show there are 9 gas stations not up to the standards among test of 33 gas stations.3. Implementing the management regulation of gas stations(1) Before the announcement of controlling method revises Processing discussions of installing-work, and asking gas stations to sign a consent document of installation and make schedules of expectations. Letting the gas stations know the information that it will revise the management regulations and relevant contents. And assisting gas stations with doing the work of safeguarding and maintaining well during investigations of tests. The purposes of handling explaining meeting are for declaring the management regulations of gas stations and proposing this county the controlling direction in the future(2) After the announcement of controlling method revisesSend the documents to ask gas stations have not installed the oil gas recovery systems to install as quickly as possible and the oil gas recovery systems to work normally. Carrying out checking them on time and file the records for future reference in order to conform to the management regulations. Investigating gas stations that have not installed the oil gas recovery systems, the one test unsatisfactorily and the cases of public nuisance petitions. And cooperating with Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Bureau to audit.4. Handling public awareness and relevant meetings(1) Investigating councils of the newly installed gas stations and the training councils of patrol work.(2) Councils of oil gas recovery systems maintenances, the regulations, and the oil gas recycling marks.(3) Public awareness of “International Car Free Day”.(4) Public awareness of filling up the gas without force.(5) Awarding design prize of oil gas recycling marks, and holding the ceremonies and demonstrations of fine gas stations.(6) Publishing 600 copies of public awareness manuals.5. Estimating the emission of gas stations The proposal checks distinctions of amount of VOCs emission between every gas stations and gas stations have newly installed oil gas recovery systems. The result shows that the amount of reduction is 183.3 metric tons per year and the rate of reduction is 21.60%.6. Promoting recycling marks of the oil gas Handling evaluating activities of marks to select unique recycling marks of the oil gas in Taoyuan County. Revising and announce “The important list of oil gas recycling process”, and finish authentication work of marks of 13 gas stations and ceremony of awarding authentication for the first time.7. Investigation and test of the restaurant businesses(1) Finishing setting up and forms and relevant operation procedures.(2) Checking up the list of the restaurant businesses.(3) Auditing 301 restaurant businesses in the site for analyzing the situation of air pollution control and emission in this county.(4) Processing auditing the restaurant businesses, and carrying out 8 times of odor testing analysis. The result shows that pass all tests.8. Restaurant businesses relevant information of the air pollution control (1) Restaurant businesses information of the soot pollution and noxious odor control.(2) Restaurant businesses information of pollutants(3) Collecting and analyzing restaurant businesses information of soot pollution control system.(4) Designation of restaurant businesses soot pollution control system.(5) The vendor list of restaurant businesses soot pollution control system. 9. Public awareness work for restaurant businesses(1) Editing 1,500 copies of public awareness manuals.(2) Handling public awareness councils of restaurant businesses soot pollution control and the regulations.(3) Handling evaluating work of soot pollution control for finding good performance restaurants.For encouraging the restaurant businesses to pay attention to the environmental protection, handling the evaluating activity of the restaurant in first time. And encouraging the people to go to the fine restaurants to dine by the activity. 7 restaurant businesses win evaluating activity in first session in Taoyuan County, and announcing and prepare for the future public awareness of advertising campaign.10. Guidance of the restaurant businesses(1) Coaching councils of restaurant businesses air pollution control.(2) Processing coaching 30 restaurant businesses and help offer “Suggested proposals of coaching and improving restaurant businesses”. There are 8 restaurant businesses that have finished work of improvement.(3) Collecting information and consult the professional manufacturer to finish making up the best available control technology of restaurant businesses.(4) Finishing setting up the webpage that offers consultation platform of soot pollution control technology in this county.(5) Building the special telephone line and the network service (including setting up the webpage, E-mail account number and message board) and consult and coach on-line.11. DatabaseFinishing filing new data of 6 gas stations. And putting working achievements of data of 264 gas stations and testing results of 259 oil gas recovery systemss and so on into the database of gas stations. Besides finishing checking the data file of 301 restaurant businesses to review the database construction and compare with the database of stationary pollution source.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新系環境技術有限公司