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Title 94年度台南縣固定空氣污染源許可及巡查管制計畫
Abstract 本報告統計期間為民國94年5月13日至民國95年5月12日,多數工作均達到預定進度。在資料庫更新擴充方面,本計畫預定對列管工廠進行至少350家次的資料庫更新及維護,本年度共完成364家之清查,包含45家聯合清查作業,作業達成率為104%。此外完成粒狀物、氮氧化物及揮發性有機物各前30大之減量空間潛勢計算。在許可制度部分本年度共核發416張許可證,包括許可展延核發數91張,協助36件專責人員異動申請案件處理。在許可證查核部份,已完成732張許可證查核作業(包括680張台南縣環保局及52張南科管理局所核發),查核不符張數總計127張,不符率為17.3%,大都為原物料超過許可核發值。統計目前臺南縣應申報空污費之工廠家數有536家,近幾季的收款金額多接近壹仟柒佰萬元。在空污費查核部份,本年度完成220家次查核作業,而在催繳部份,專案小組針對93年第4季及94年第3季未繳之公私場所均發文通知,總計121家次,後續針對發文後仍未申報之公私場所進行電話催繳,總計163家次;統計至民國95年4月30日,94年第1季至94年第4季之平均申報率為99.1%(已申報2,145家次/應申報2,171家次)。目前臺南縣需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有253家(其中第一批89家,第二批164家)。目前93年第4季至94年第4季之申報率為100%。另在198家現場查核結果方面,申報正確佔70家(35%),限期補正資料者佔128家(65%),無建議再次現場查核者。舉辦固定源相關說明會部份,已完成排放量上網申報說明會1場次、許可制度及法規說明會2場次、專責人員複訓說明會1場次、戴奧辛法規說明會1場次,每場出席率均達70%,配合說明會辦理亦完成6次新聞稿刊登及1000份許可宣導摺頁;另外完成2場次技術轉移作業,作業完成率為100%。此外,計畫執行期間完成20家次建議稽查名單提報,建議檢測名單10根次及25家次含硫份檢測,針對大型堆置場每季亦完成34家次巡查作業,一般巡查71家次,及空品不良日應變巡查148家次。專案小組除依循各項內部教育訓練及品保作業外,在計畫執行中亦配合環保署、環保局各項現場書面查核及委員查核,以提升計畫的執行品質。
EngTitle 2005 Tainan County stable air pollution source permission control project
EngAbstract This project was empowered by a contract issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan county, which started on 13th, May, 2005, and ended on 12th, May, 2006. Most of work items on the contract were finished.The emission inventory database of 364 stationary pollution sources have been updated, including the top 45th plants. The percentage fo performance reached 104%. The reducted emission rate of the plants that their emission of Particulate matter, Nitrogen Oxides and VOCs are the top 30th have been estimated.In permit system, 416 permits which comprise installation permit and operating permit have been issued. Those that apply for the extension of a permit have been reviewed and 86 permits have been renewed during this period project. 36 modification application of dedicated air pollution control personnel have been approved. Inspection for operating permit has been performed on 732 permits. Among them, 127 permits were found failure to meet permit contents. There was 17.3% of discrepancy that mainly caused by exceeded the permit value of raw material and fuel. 536 stationary pollution sources were required to pay the air pollution control fees in Tainan county. Around 17 million dollars were collected on a seasonal base in Tainan county. Check was performed on 220 plants for reporting of air pollution control fees. Total of 121 plants that fail to make payments by the deadline have been officially notified by EPB, and 161 plants were called by phone to track the payment. The percentage of reporting is 99.1%. Those public and private premises possessing stationary pollution sources designated and officially announced by the central competent authority shall report the annual air pollutant emissions quantities of their stationary pollution sources for the previous year to the local competent authority before the end of January each year. 253 stationary pollution sources were required to report the emissions quantities in Tainan county (batch I and batch II). Total of 253 reports have been reviewed, the percentage of reporting is 100%. Inspection was performed on 198 plants for air pollutant emissions quantities with qualified percentage of 35%.Five conferences were held for the purpose of regulation announcement, with the topic of the report for air pollutant emissions quantities, permit regulations, training for dedicated personnel and regulations of dioxin. The attendance percentage for all conferences exceeded 70%. Presses that attach to the conference were publicly announced, and 1000 guidance handbooks were finished. Two discussion forum sessions were also held to pass on the experiences to EPB.The assistance to submit the priority list for investigation has been done including 20 investigations of proposal, 10 tests for discharge pipes, 25 tests for surfur content of fuel during this project period. Total of 34 times patrol on huge piling sites were performed on a seasonal base in Tainan county. Total of 37 cases were notified during the project period and patrol staffs were then sent out to check on 148 public or private premises.This project complied with the quality assurance and audit plan, and performed the best among all projects by the committee of audition conducted by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan county. Therefore it can enhance the quality of this project.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 衛宇科技股份有限公司