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Title 九十四年度空氣污染綜合防制計畫
Abstract 空氣污染綜合防制計畫(本計畫)主要目的,為協助環保局督促及控管各項管制工作之執行進度及品質,並規劃桃園縣空氣品質目標及管制策略。本計畫參酌國內外相關研究、縣市較佳做法與委員建議,透過所建立方法進行各空污子計畫之控管(協調會、工作檢討會、現場查核等),追蹤協調各計畫成效與互動關係,達成管制計畫之縱向及橫向聯繫,並不斷檢討修正執行方法、提昇各計畫之減量成效。管制策略研修上,透過空品分析及本縣排放量查核更新,規劃空品目標及制策略,並訂定減量目標與檢討達成情形,使本縣空氣品質除能符合既定目標外,甚至能超越國家環境保護計畫所訂之管制目標。以下針對本計畫94年度之執行情形摘要如下:一、各項污染源管制計畫控管成效為落實各計畫之執行方法,本年度依據空污基金子計畫管考標準作業程序書,控管各項污染源管制計畫之執行方式、彙整其創新做法,並評估其計畫執行成效及探討減量效益,以落實各項管制措施的執行。94年度各項污染物之減量除了TSP略低於目標外,其餘污染物均達成全年目標,其主要由於94年營建工程自然成長量低於預期,及本年度防制措施削減率較去年下降所致,建議營建計畫未來應持續加強輔導管制。然在94年環保署整體考核成績本縣則為甲等,其中固定污染源管制,於許可證核發及展延、資料擴充及維護處理、污染改善有效性、應申繳空污費工廠掌握率皆為考評成績較落後部分。移動污染源部份94年度未針對本縣轄區內大客貨車業者進行車輛用油管制。建議本縣固定污染源未來在許可審查時應注意審核作業程序之控管,加速審查時間,以及與申報查核等方面,應加強查核正確性,並加強資料庫建檔時效時與正確性,固定源各計畫間宜加強協調與彙整,共同呈現整體績效。二、污染負荷排放分析在PM10方面,主要來源為車輛行駛揚塵,約佔40%之比例,其次為工廠(20%)、運輸車輛(16%)、土木施工(9%);SOX則主要來源為工廠,約佔87%之比例,車輛運輸約佔6%;NOX主要來源為車輛運輸,約佔58%之比例,其次為工廠(33%)、航空器(5%);而NMHC方面,主要來源為工廠,約佔33%之比例,其次為運輸車輛(28%)、工業溶劑使用(13%)。三、空氣品質現況分析自84年度空氣污染防制費開始徵收以來,臭氧因受氣象因素及跨區域污染傳輸之影響,導致91及94年濃度有上升之趨勢(北部空品區亦然)。懸浮微粒則呈現穩定之趨勢,惟94年懸浮微粒惡化日數相較90~93年有明顯上升之情形,主要可能受到大陸沙塵襲台影響及94年3~4月份高壓迴流及混合層高度下降致污染物排放不易擴散有關,而其餘各污染物,包含二氧化硫、二氧化氮及一氧化碳之濃度皆有逐漸下降或趨於平緩之趨勢,並均符合空氣品質標準,故未來本縣在污染物之管制上應以懸浮微粒及臭氧為重點。四、空氣品質惡化成因分析由歷年空品惡化日天氣類型分析發現,最易發生PM10惡化的天氣類型為WR5及WF1,而臭氧除受桃園縣境內與鄰近縣市之污染源排放之外,天氣類型(WR1及WL1為高臭氧惡化發生率)及大尺度風場之影響亦為形成臭氧惡化之主因。在空氣品質模式模擬分析方面,透過CAMx模式模擬2003年5月案例結果顯示,本縣污染源對本縣境內測站高臭氧濃度之貢獻比例約為17%~41%,另台北縣污染源對本縣境內測站高臭氧濃度貢獻比例均約有30%以上,另VOCS貢獻濃度又較NOX貢獻濃度為高。綜合顯示若要有效降低臭氧濃度值,現階段除加強本縣境內污染源之排放管制,未來亦須以加強空品區內鄰近縣市及跨空品區之共同稽查管制。五、惡臭聯合稽查專案管制成果專案小組於93年度共選定四家屢遭民眾陳情之工廠及重複陳情率偏高之工廠,加強管制作業。本年度在「協佳興科技股份有限公司蘆竹廠」、「傑泥環保科技有限公司」、「路盛實業股份有限公司」陳情數已有明顯減少,可視後續檢測結果,判定是否解除惡臭陳情專案列管。而「中華映像管股份有限公司桃園廠」陳情案件居高不下,建議應成立專案計畫或長期派員住廠。六、溫室效應氣體推估結果由各部門之溫室氣體排放量推估結果顯示,歷年來本縣在運輸、住商以及工業三部門,呈現上升趨勢,其中又以住商部門之成長最為顯著,工業部門方面,就2003年與2004年相較,一年間增加了33.8%。故未來桃園縣溫室效應氣體排放量管制上應以住商部門與工業部門,並列於本縣未來溫室氣體管制之第一優先順位。七、管制目標與策略擬定在管制目標之制定上,本計畫主要依據本縣地方污染特性及考量空氣品質變化及自然成長增量之影響,及配合未來中央法規之修訂,研擬各項可行之管制對策,並評估經由管制策略之執行,各污染物近程預期可達成之減量,與達成本縣近程空氣品質目標之允許排放量進行確認與比較,以確保未來近程各項管制策略之執行能達到本縣設定之空品改善目標。
EngTitle A Synthetic plan of air pollution control in Taoyuan-2005
EngAbstract In Taoyuan County’s many control work sought in air pollution prevention and control implementation for 2005, the nature of the subprojects and that many are independent from each other has hindered the effects to be achieved in vertical coordination. There is a necessity to instill an air pollution surcharge subproject implementation procedure through an integrated air pollution prevention and control plan to assist the environmental protection bureau in spearheading and monitoring the progress and quality of various control world, and to achieve vertical and lateral communication, follow up and coordinate the implementation yield and correlation among the many subprojects through staging a variety of meetings.It is a necessity to routinely review and adjust the control strategy, which calls for updating the audit for air quality analysis and emission volume in the county by developing a county air quality objective and control strategy. In TSP , traffic permeating dust, transportation vehicles and industry are the main source of pollution; in SOX and NOX, industry discharge has taken up the bulk; in NMHC, transportation vehicles and the use industrial solvent have dominated the discharge. In response to the focus of future control, given that ozone has been a pollutant conveyed in a large area, an air quality model simulation analysis found that in a May 2003 case, the county’s ozone readings are most susceptible to the pollution source found in Taipei County while the impact of the pollution source in Taoyuan County alone was recorded at around 17% to 41%. Furthermore, the contribution of VOCS concentration was found higher than that of NOX. All of which indicate that in order to effectively curtail the ozone concentration, there is also a necessary to stage plenary cross-county and – municipality collaboration meetings in the northern air quality control region by stepping up the joint audit and control in nearby counties and municipalities in order to achieve ominous results.This plan has also had an integrated 2005 air pollution prevention plan compiled. Moreover, the county’s specific local pollution source has been identified by drafting a specific pollution source improvement , and public service performance objective. The assessment of the overall control strategy rests on evaluating the required funding and technical feasibility in compliance with the existing bulk reduction stipulations set by the Environmental Protection Administration, and on distinguishing the work into three major segments of fixed pollution source control, mobile pollution source control and permeating source control. Which are sought in anticipation of fully utilizing the Environmental Protection Bureau’s existing funding to promote a host of relevant control subprojects to achieve optimal management efficiency and the objectives of bulk reduction and air quality improvement.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新系環境技術有限公司