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Title 94年度重大污染源連線監測與查核計畫
Abstract 本計畫之計畫期程自94年7月23日起至95年7月22日止,計畫目的在於提昇環保局現有通訊架構,解決公私場所連線所遭遇之困難、配合環保局端系統功能之提昇,輔導協助業者傳輸模組之更新、驗證連續自動監測設施之監測數據可信度,並輔導建立品質保證作業制度、落實監測品保制度與查核作業,提升監測數據可信度及可用率、執行相對準確度測試(RATA檢測)查核,比對監測數據與檢測數據之相關性及提昇環保局連續自動監測系統運作速率、品保、現場查核之工作。計畫執行期間,各項工作皆依預定進度執行,各項工作內容及成果詳如表1.4-1。計畫執行期間除定期執行局端之資訊系統維護及協助環保局審查各類文件外,於現場查核部分共計完成監測設施功能查核15根次,相對準確度測試查核30根次(包含RATA平行比對查核6場次),各廠之查核缺失亦逐一輔導追縱;本團隊除例行之查核之外,亦針對公私場所之特別問題進行訪談輔導,計已針對大園汽電、中油桃煉廠及南亞錦興廠、永豐餘、華亞汽電、欣榮焚化廠、長生電力、國光電力、台電大潭廠進行9場次品質輔導作業,協助公私場所解決監測設施及書面報表相關疑問。統計結果顯示,各廠第94年第3季及第4季之有效監測時數百分比皆大於75%,而95年第1季之有效監測時數百分比亦皆高於85%,皆可符合現行CEMS管理辦法規範(94/1/1~94/12/31需達75%,95/1/1起需達85%);而上傳率部分除長生電廠外,各廠之逐月上傳率皆達90%以上,而長生電廠已於95年2月完成軟體汰換作業,上傳率由53.63%(94年10月)提昇至100%(95年2月),改善成果顯著。府前廣場之大型顯示看板在本團隊維護下,目前狀況十分良好,除了提供空品資料及CEMS監測數據外,更於94年11月加入7根新連線煙道資料,同時也配合播放各類政令宣導資料共112則;而空品監測資料則可由程式自動定期更新,目前運作正常。
EngTitle The great pollution sources line monitored and checked the plan in 2005
EngAbstract Term of this project started on July 23rd 2005 and ended on July 22nd 2006. Its purpose was to promote the Environmental Protection Bureau’s current communication framework, solve connection problems that encountered in plants, cooperate to promote system functions at the Environmental Protection Bureau site, guide and assist industries to update transmission module, check and prove the trustiness of monitoring data from the continuous emission monitoring systems, guide and assist to build a QC assurance work procedure, carry out QC monitoring and inspection works, enhance the trustiness and usability of monitoring data, execute the RATA test for inspection purpose, find the correlation between monitoring data and examination data, and promote the operation efficiency, QC, on-site inspection works for CEMS. While executing the project, all works were carried out in accordance with the projected progress. Works contents and achievements were detailed and listed on Table 1.4-1.While the project was carrying out, besides periodically maintaining the information system at the Environment Protection Bureau site, for on-site inspection, 15 system and operation audits on the CEMS and 30 RATA tests (including 6 RATA parallel comparisons) were carried out during project implementation period; the inspection-found defects in all plants were separately guided, improved and traced. Our team, besides regular inspection works, interviewed, provided guidance and assisted in all special problems incurred in plants. Now we have helped Da-Yuan Power (大園汽電), CPC Taoyuan Plant (中油桃煉廠), Nan Ya Plastic Jinsing Plant (南亞錦興廠), YFY (永豐餘), Huaya Power (華亞汽電), Hsin Rong Incinerating Plant (欣榮焚化廠), Chang Sheng Power (長生電力), Kuo Kuang Power (國光電力) and Taipower Datang Plant (台電大潭廠) with 9 QC counseling works and assisted plants by solving monitoring system and written report related questions. According to the statistical results, the effective monitoring hour proportion in 2005 3Q and 4Q for all plants all exceeded 75%, and in 2006 1Q the effective monitoring hour proportion was also higher than 85%; such results were all in conformity with current CEMS administration standard (in which states that at 94/1/1~94/12/13 must reach 75%; from 95/1/1 must reach 85%). For data uploading, except the Chang Sheng Power (長生電力), all plants have monthly uploading rate more than 90%. The Chang Sheng Power (長生電力) also completed software updating works in February 2006 and the uploading rate was also promoted from 53.63% (in October 2005) to 100% (in February 2006), showing significant improvements. On account of our maintenance works, the large size screen in Fucian Plaza has fairly good condition. In addition to provide air quality information and CEMS monitoring data, 7 newly connected CEMS data were even added in November 2005. At the same time, to cooperate with governmental orders announcements, it also broadcasted 112 various kinds of governmental orders announcements. The air quality monitoring data is programmed to update automatically and periodically; currently it is under normal operation.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司