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Title 九十四年度空氣固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催繳稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫之執行期程自94/06/22 至95/06/21 止,共計12 個月。本期末報告中各項作業進度及成果分析之統計期間,係自94/06/22 至95/06/21 止,各單項作業皆依預定執行進度執行,達成本計畫之工作目標。於許可審查核發,計畫執行期間合計核發了918 張許可證,依據固定污染源料庫統計,截至95/6/21 止,桃園縣有效操作許可證合計為2,168 張,所核發排放量分別為粒狀污染物:26,866.92 公噸/年,硫氧化物:72,421.68公噸/年,氮氧化物:105,888.03 公噸/年,揮發性有機物:54,338.00 公噸/年。於許可制度方面,現場查核之531 個製程,經查核結果不符合許可核可內容者,有239 個製程,不符合率約為45%,屬「未依許可內容操作」者,有182 個製程(佔34.3%),屬「現況與許可內容不符」者有57 個製程(佔10.7%)。排放量申報之審查查核,不符合率為54.37﹪;定期檢測申報之排放管道1385 根次,經審查核可939 件,未核可件數446 件,(主要為文件書寫缺失佔24%、原物料及設備紀錄單位引用錯誤佔5.4%、未填寫設備操作紀錄佔3.8%居次)。應徵收空污費之公私場所共計717 家(95年第1 季),94 年各季之申報率皆已達100﹪,實際徵收空污費金額共計148,589,558 元。固定污染源資料庫維護管理工作,主要執行重點污染源之清查工作、許可申請資料、稽查處份資料(稽查2,051、處份220 件)建檔、各項管制規範管對象之維護,並配合環保署每月資料檢核作業,進行資料庫關鍵欄位之修正補強工作。後續固定空氣污染源之稽查管制重點,建議應朝「中小型工廠專案稽查」、「電子相關產業(例如印刷電路板與面板製程)法規符合度查核」、重大污染源(大型汽電蒸氣鍋爐)減量及粉粒狀物堆置場之防制措施等幾個方面著手。分年分階段進行查核管制,並配合相關之減量獎勵措施,提升工廠改善投資改善意願,以有限之稽查管制人力提升整體之管制績效。
EngTitle The plan of stationary air pollution source permitting and inspection and air pollution fee pressing on paying in 2005.
EngAbstract The duration of this project was twelve months, started on June 22 2005 and ended onJune 21 2006. On the final report of this project, data from June 22 2005 to June 21 2006 wasdrawn for analyzing statistics on the progress of every single works and also their results. Allindividual works had been executed in accordance with projected progress and had met theobjectives of this project.In the aspect of issuing approval certificate, during the execution period the projectissued 918 certificates. According to statistics from the stationed pollutants databases, therewere totaled 2,168 effective operation certificates in Taoyuan County at the end of June 212006. And the approved emission amount was: granule pollutants 26,866.92 tons/year,oxysulfide pollutant 72,421.68 tons/year, oxynitrogen 105,888.03 tons/year, and volatilityorganic matters 54,338.00 tons/year.In the aspect of approval system, within 531 on-site inspected working procedures, 239procedures were found unqualified, accounting for 45% un-qualification percentage; 182procedures (34.3%) were found of 「operation did not conform to approval contents」; 57procedures (10.7%) were found of 「current status did not conform to approval contents」.Inspection works on the reported emission amount discovered that the un-qualification ratewas 54.37%. There were 1,385 emission channels that were under periodical inspection andreport, and among which 939 were certified and 446 were unauthorized (24% was documentimperfection, 5.4% was because of incorrect counting unit recorded for materials andequipment, 3.8% was missing equipment operation records). There were totaled 717 plantsthat should be charged with air pollution charges (for 2006 1st quarter). The quarterlyreporting rates in 2005 were 100% and the actual air pollution charge collected was totaled$148,589,558.Main works on maintaining and manage the stationed pollutant database were toexecute the checks on major pollutants, give approval on applications, inspect and file penaltyinformation (2,051 inspections and 220 penalties), keep all restrained plants update andcooperate with the Bureau of Environmental Protection to revise and enhance key informationcells in the database.For the future inspecting and controlling works on the stationed air pollutants, it issuggested that emphasis should be put on 「plants inspection projects」, 「inspection onelectronics related industries (such as PCB and panel board procedures) for the conformity tothe regulations」, reducing major pollutants (large size cogeneration steam boiler) andprecaution on the granule matters depots. Inspections and controls should be divided intodifferent phases in different years. Besides, it should cooperate with associated rewardingpolicies for pollutant decrease to promote plants’ willingness to invest in plant improvements,so that limited inspecting and controlling manpower can be utilized to increase the overallcontrolling performance.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問有限公司