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Title 移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動
Abstract 摘 要本計畫履約期程為自簽約日95年2月20日至95年12月31日止,截至期末報告資料統計日期95年11月30日為止,各工作項目均已符合契約要求,以下針對執行成果進行說明:在攔(巡)查、攔檢方面:總計完成機車攔(巡)查16,805輛,機車攔檢共1,897輛,合計完成量為18,702輛,其中經由本計畫攔查、攔檢作業,完成回檢之車輛共15,654輛,回檢率達93.15﹪;宣導活動方面亦完成9場次,其中包括:縣內大專院校、大型工廠、機關團體、租車行、中古車行及偏遠地區等區域之巡迴免費檢測工作,活動中並免費檢測機車共1,007輛;在定檢站查核評鑑方面,共計完成5次定期查核、12家氣體檢驗及9家實車查核,查核結果並無重大缺失,相關查核及評鑑結果亦提送環保局進行獎懲工作;在定檢站教育訓練方面亦按進度規劃於10月完成教育訓練並配合定檢站聯誼會於12月加辦一場次;而在定檢通知方面,計畫期間共寄發91,000封公文通知及452,652封機車定檢明信片通知,且寄發之程序均按環保署之規定按時完成寄發及退件信件之建檔工作;另民眾檢舉案件方面,則依規定完成查證及函覆工作,本年度共接獲民眾檢舉案件共80件,告發件數共為4件。整體而言,在環保署公佈之到檢率方面本縣11月份到檢率為48.89﹪,比較本縣94年度及95年度同期之1月至11月定檢率之提昇之結果,以本年度增加幅度最大到檢率上升2.9﹪,由此結果顯見本計畫之執行,對於督促車輛使用人注意車輛保養、維護管理,有明顯提升之成效。
EngTitle Mobil source emission examination control plan–locomotive exhaust inspection and guidance activity
EngAbstract ABSTRACTThe performance period of this plan is from the signing date of the agreement Feb. 20 2006 to Dec. 31 2006. By Nov 30, 2006, the date for the final report data collection, all tasks had been conformed to the requirements of the original agreement. The achievements of this year are described as follows:In the aspect of inspection and examination: we have accomplished 16,805 vehicles for inspection and 1,897 vehicles for examination. Final, there are 15,654 vehicles finished the regular inspecting process and the re-checking rate reached 93.15%.In the aspect of advertised activities, we had also completed 9 courses which were held in college campuses, plants, government organizations, car & motorcycle leasehold stations, secondhand car & motorcycle shops and remote country areas respectively ,and there were 1,007 vehicles taking free inspection.As for checking the regular vehicle inspection stations, we have accomplished 5 rounds of regular checking, 12 stations of gas-test and 9 stations for real-car test. The results indicated there were no significant problems existed. The relative check and evaluation reports have already committed to the department of environmental protection (DEP) to issue rewards or punishments. In the aspect of education-training for the workers on regular vehicle inspection stations, we had held two courses in October this year and added one in December to co-operate the station’s federation. We also had sent 91,000 official documents and 452,652 postcards for regular inspection to remind the receivers to inspect their vehicles on schedule. All messages were sent before the deadline set by the DEP, and recorded those unclaimed messages that were sent back. At the mention of popular impeachments, we had got 80 cases and replied 4 cases of them were indicted. According to the reports from DEP, the registration rate of Ping-tung County in November was 48.89% and had the highest raised rate (2.9%) which was compared with those from Jan to Nov in the last two years. It could indicate distinctly this project had good effects to press drivers and bikers pay their attention on vehicle maintenance.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 裕山環境工程公司