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Title 土壤及地下水污染整治資料整合與建置計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間為94年7月起至95年7月止,共有6項主要工作,第1項工作為持續擴充及整合建置「土壤及地下水污染整治資料庫」,計畫執行期間除須整合環保署其他委辦計畫資料(包含數值圖層)、協助納入地方環保局補助計畫成果、登錄公告函、納入各級環保機關所執行之土壤及地下水檢測數據及登錄10件以上地方專案計畫成果之文書資料外,亦針對資料審查及建檔業務進行品保品管查核作業。第2項工作為規劃及建立「土壤及地下水污染整治相關資料登錄機制」,計畫期間除規劃污染場址相關資料登錄機制及作業程序外,最後亦完成資料登錄標準作業手冊之研擬。第3項工作為提昇「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊管理系統」資訊查詢與統計分析功能,計畫期間除提升地理資訊系統之功能、擴充圖資,為提升系統友善度完成系統改版,同時辦理地方環保局需求訪談作業,並依使用者之需求設計查詢統計功能。第4項工作為彙整94年度土壤及地下水污染查證、調查及整治執行成效;除彙整地方環保局執行計畫之成果外,亦檢討各計劃之執行成果,最後完成94年度土壤及地下水污染整治年報之編撰。第5項工作為加強各級環保人員訓練建立各級環保機關資訊交換體系,計畫期間除辦理北、南2場次地方環保局說明會及土基會說明會外,亦隨時提供電話諮詢服務,即時排除使用者疑難。第6項工作為其他事項及評選承諾之增辦事項;除規劃民眾查詢功能、定期檢視軟硬體功能,並排除故障外,亦針對學者專家進行需求訪談及提升系統效能,最後規劃並建議未來計畫方向。
EngTitle Integration and Establishment of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Information
EngAbstract The project executive time is starting on July 2005 until July 2006. There are 6 major tasks associated with this project. The first task is to continuously enlarge the scope of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Database” by integration. This integration includes integration of various sources like data from other project including numerical layer data, result of local environmental agency subsidy project, key-in regulatory documents, soil and groundwater survey data and record more than 10 pieces of project result documentations. We also maintain the quality control of the report data auditing and documentation filing. The second task is to plan and establish the personnel log-in mechanism for soil and groundwater pollution remediation data recording. We also completed the planning of pollution site data recording mechanism and operation procedure; finish writing of the standard operation manual for data recording.The third task is to upgrade the performance of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Site Information Management System. The performance of the data inquiry, statistical analysis, mapping information function has to be upgraded within the project execution period. We expand the scope of photo data stored and changed the web page display, designed the inquiry function by accommodating the demand gathered during the visit of local environmental protection bureau; to make the web system use as much “user-friendly” as possible. The fourth task is to integrate the performance review of soil and groundwater pollution remediation, pollution investigation result, and survey content in year 2005 altogether. We also review the result of each project and complete the editorial of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Annual Report in Year 2005. The fifth task is to reinforcing the environmental personnel training and establishing environmental information exchange system. During the project execution time, we held 2 training sessions in local environmental protection bureau located in north and south regions and one session in Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Foundation. We also offer telephone consultation service to instruct users on how to use the system.The sixth task is to manage other tasks not included in the above-mentioned tasks, including additional tasks assigned during appraisal meeting. We will regularly review the performance of hardware and software running, fix their problem occurred, visit the scholars and review their suggestion on hardware and software operation, upgrade the system operation performance, and making suggestion on future planning of this system.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司