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Title 台南縣九十四年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街/洗街民有民營
Abstract 台南縣環境保護局為有效改善車行揚塵污染問題,並延續歷年施政方針,特專案辦理「94年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街/洗街民有民營」,本計畫執行期程自94年10月18日起至95年10月17日止,為期一年。各項工作均順利完成,茲將工作成果摘要說明如下。一、道路普查作業道路普查作業執行成果,本計畫總計完成627.9公里道路普查作業,其中A級道路142公里,;B級道路431公里;C級道路54.9公里,所佔比例分別為A級22.6%;B級68.7%;C級8.7%。由此可知,本縣道路髒污比例甚低,顯示環保局歷年推動本計畫已初具績效。二、街道揚塵洗掃作業街道揚塵洗掃作業執行成果,本計畫總計完成洗街15630.5公里;掃街15940.2公里,其中非重點道路洗掃長度均大於10000公里,重點道路部份則為每週執行1次,均順利達成合約目標。另依據每月集塵粒徑分析結果之揚塵(坋土+塵土)比例約36.7%計算,總計本計畫洗掃街作業削減揚塵量達189.9公噸,對於改善本縣車行揚塵排放污染甚具效益。三、企業道路認養企業道路認養推動成果,共有9家參與本計畫道路認養作業,其中6家為延續去年度計畫認養企業;3家為本計畫新增認養企業。總計企業認養道路洗掃長度為10592公里。為感謝並肯定企業認養道路作為,本計畫依據各家查核績效評等,篩選三家執行績效優良企業,於95年4月7日辦理94年度成果發表會中予以表揚。四、民眾問卷調查民眾問卷調查作業分前、後期進行,主要對象為例行洗掃之重點道路附近民眾。總計完成300份問卷調查,調查結果8成以上民眾表示知道環保局辦理執行洗掃街計畫,並普遍認為加強街道洗掃作業有助於本縣空氣品質改善,此外7成以上民眾支持本計畫繼續辦理,亦建議擴大辦理,顯示環保局多年推動本計畫已具明顯績效。五、其他支援事項1.空氣品質惡化應變措施:本計畫總計配合執行86件空品惡化應變洗掃街作業,總計執行空品測站附近道路洗街395.4公里;掃街58公里,依據環保署訂定之洗掃街TSP削減公式計算,本計畫配合空品惡化緊急應變措施,共計削減TSP達6.25公噸。2.建立髒污道路聯合通報查處機制:為整合環保局委辦計畫資源,加強道路污染源(營建工地、混凝土廠等)查處工作,本計畫總計通報21處髒污道路污染源,供相關計畫加強查處列管,並回報本計畫備查。3.協助本縣大型活動週邊道路洗掃作業:台南縣政府近年來廣為辦理大型娛樂活動,包括世界糖果文化節、國際蘭花展、鹽水蜂炮活動等,為有效維護活動辦理前後週邊道路清潔,本計畫乃配合加強活動週邊道路清潔維護工作,以提昇活動整體形象。4.配合縣府「清潔、秩序、綠美化」髒亂點調查:本計畫為配合縣政府推動「環境清潔、秩序、綠美化-清潔方案」,自95年5月起協助環保局調查本縣各鄉鎮主次要道路附近髒亂點,並提報縣府網站由各鄉鎮清潔隊負責清理及回報改善情形,總計調查提報髒亂點案件數達195件。
EngTitle The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for 94 year
EngAbstract In order to improve the pollution of car raises dust effectively, and extend all previous years’ administration policy, the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan county carries out “The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for 94 year ”. The project started on October 18, 2005 and ended on October 17, 2006, lasting for a year.each work is completed smoothly. The work achievements’ abstract is as follows.1.Street census workThe achievements of street census work: This project achieved 627.9 kilometers of street census work in total, which included 142 kilometers of A level path; 431 kilometers of B level; and 54.9 kilometers of C level, accounting for 22.6% of A level, 68.7% of B level and 8.7% of C level respectively. It would be known, the proportion of dirty path in this county is very low, showing that the effort of environmental protection bureau to promote the project in past years is already effective now.2.Washing and sweeping street workThe result of carry out the work of washing and sweeping the street: This project completes washing street for 15630.5 kilometers totally and sweeping street for 15940.2 kilometers. The length of non-key street washing and sweeping is longer than 10000 kilometers; the key path part carries out the project once a week. Both of them achieve the contract goal. In addition, the dust particle size analysis results of each month reveal that the proportion of dust is approximately 36.7%. Calculating by this proportion, washing and sweeping work of project achieves 189.9 metric tons of dust reduction.3. Enterprise street adoption The result of promoting enterprise street adoption: There are nine enterprises to participate this adoption street project totally, six of which are continuous to last year’s project, and three of them are newers. The total length of street which enterprises recognize to wash and sweep is 10592 kilometers. In order to gratitude and affirm the behavior of the enterprise to the road, this project examines the results of each one; filtrates three enterprises with good results, and gives praise in the result presentation for 94 years on April 7, 2006. 4.The populace questionnaire survey workThe populace questionnaire survey work includes earlier stage and later stage, the main object were the populace who live near the key path for routine washing and sweeping. 300 questionnaire surveys are completed, and investigation result shows that above 80% populace know the environmental protection bureau implements the washing and sweeping street plan, and generally agree that to enhance the washing and sweeping street plan would improve air quality of this county. In addition, above 70% of populace support this plan to continue, also suggest the project expanded. It demonstrates the effort of the environmental protection bureau for many years to impel this plan has already achieved obvious performance.5. Other supporting work(1)Urgent emergency measures for the aggravation of air qualityThis plan cooperates to carry out 86 cases of Urgent emergency measures for the aggravation of air quality, and totally carries out washing street of 395.4 kilometers near the Air Quality Automatic Test-Site, and sweeping street of 58 kilometers. Calculated by the TSP reduction formula for street washing and sweeping made by EPA, the project reduces 6.25 tons of TSP.(2)Set up dirty road feedback systemIn order to gather the resources of plans conformity by environmental protection bureau, and enhance street pollution source examine work, the plan totally notifies 21 dirty pollution source of dirty path to strengthen check and management for the correlation plan, and feed back to this plan for future reference.(3)To assist street washing and sweeping work near large-scale activityIn recent years, the Tainan county government celebrates large-scale recreational activities frequently, including the world candy culture festival, the international orchid exhibition, the salty hornet artillery activity and so on. To maintain cleanness of peripheral path, this plan cooperates to strengthen peripheral path’s clean maintenance work, so as to promote overall image of activities.(4)To assist「Cleanness, Order, Virescence and beautification」plan for dirty areasThis plan cooperates government to promote 「Environment Cleanness, Order, Virescence and Beautification-Cleaning Act」. The plan assists environmental protection bureau to investigate dirty and disordered areas near the primary and secondary streets in each towns and report to the websites. Cleaning teams in each town takes charge of clean-up work and reporting improvement. The total case investigated reaches 195.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 台南縣環境保護局