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Title 屏東縣砂石場清查列管及裸露地管制計畫
Abstract 屏東縣環保局成立砂石場清查列管專案計畫,全面執行砂石場(廠)清查列管,針對無適當防制措施致引起塵土飛揚或污染空氣之砂石場(廠),加強技術輔導改善,繼而依據空氣污染防制法規定,加強執行稽查告發處分作業,以遏止其空氣污染情事。經多年努力,屏東縣環保局針對縣內所轄的砂石業進行輔導改善,在業者的配合下,獲致多項改善成果,包括削減率的提升、聯外及車輛進出口道路舖面與灑水、過車水道的設置、完成二十條聯外道路認養…等,均獲得業者善意的回應,目前全部業者均已設置污染防治措施,其中多數正常營運中的砂石場更採行灑水設施、洗車臺、車輛出入口鋪設鋼板柏油等三項基本設施,並有效運作,此為本縣較突出的輔導改善成效。經『屏東縣砂石場(廠)清查列管專案計畫』近年來的執行下,屏縣列管的砂石場每年產生的粒狀污染物,已由以往的5千噸以上,降至今年度的2168.6公噸,平均控制效率為56%。
EngTitle Control Plan for Checking and Managing Pingtung County’s Sand Quarries and Bare Grounds
EngAbstract Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau has produced the special plan for sandstone field evaluation and control, which carries out sandstone fields (factories) evaluation and control thoroughly, enhances technological assistance for sandstone fields (factories) without any proper preventive measures to avoid dust emission or air pollution, and attaches more importance to check, prosecution and punishment in accordance with the Air Pollution Control Act so as to minimize air pollution.After years of hard work, with sandstone field owners’ cooperation, Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau has succeeded in increasing the dust decreasing rate, paving transfer roads and vehicle entrances, building sprinkling and vehicle watercourses, and finishing adoption tasks for twenty transfer systems…etc., and got good responses from sandstone field owners. Till now, all sandstone field owners have taken pollution control measures, and most of sandstone fields have successfully utilized the three basic facilities, including sprinkling unit, car washing table as well as steel sheet and mineral pitch paved in vehicle entrances. This is one of the most outstanding achievements in assistance improvement in Pingtung County. After the Special Plan for Sandstone Field (Factories) Evaluation and Control in Pingtung County has been enforced for several years, the sandstone fields under the management of Pingtung County Government reduced the granular pollutants from over 4,700 tons to 2,100 tons in this year.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 屏東縣環保局