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Title 監理單位機動車輛報廢及回收聯合櫃檯諮詢服務、回收管制專案工作計畫(北區)專案工作計畫
Abstract 自94年6月起,環保署與交通部合作在台灣地區各監理站設置服務櫃檯,協助民眾進行車輛之報廢工作,輔導完成車輛回收以提升回收數量。本計畫之北區計畫由環資國際有限公司負責派駐北區二十個監理站所之廢車回收服務櫃檯專責人員,而南區由豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司派駐南區十五個監理站所之廢車回收服務櫃檯專責人員,以進行相關廢車回收之服務與宣導工作,本計畫工作時間為期19個月。在台灣地區35個監理站所中,北區計畫負責彰化以北(包含南投及花蓮)20個監理站所派駐37位專職服務人員,而南區計畫負責雲林以南(以及澎湖)15個監理站所派駐26位專職服務人員,共計35個監理站所派駐63位服務人員。運用環保署機動車輛報廢回收處理資訊管理系統之櫃檯配車功能,北區已完成80,633輛廢車(汽車11,180輛、機車69,453輛)的配撥與相關聯繫服務,另南區計畫完成24,588輛廢車(汽車5,071輛、機車19,517輛),共計完成105,221輛廢車(汽車16,251輛、機車88,970輛)的配撥與相關聯繫服務;全區計畫對於配出車輛的後續處理情形,採用電話與拖吊現場方式進行追蹤:共計約14萬2千餘通電話完成回收商與車主聯繫,並向車主確認拖吊服務完成。此外,全區計畫共計現場512次的拖吊現場拍照,以確保廢車車體有正常合法的流向。回收櫃檯服務人員並利用在各監理站所地利之便,向前往洽辦監理業務的民眾進行廢車報廢及回收輔導宣導等相關工作,其中全區櫃檯人員輔導作業共計45萬9千餘件,宣導作業共計20萬5千餘件,而便民服務事項共計8萬1千餘諮詢件數。
EngTitle Project of the recycle waste motor vehicles for Motor Vehicles Office and united consulting services and recycle management
EngAbstract Starting on June of 2005, Environmental Protection Administration. (EPA) worked together with Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC) to set up service counters in each motor vehicle supervision office. The service counter assists public to register their vehicles as end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) and guides them to complete adequate recycling. Environment Resource & Information Co. Ltd. has staffs in 20 motor vehicle supervision offices in northern region to assist ELVs registration and offer guidance on ELVS recycling. Environmental Technology Management Corp has staffs in 15 motor vehicle supervision offices locate in southern region to carry out the same task. This project took 19 months to complete the services. Among 35 motor vehicle supervision offices, the northern region includes 20 motor vehicle supervision offices in north of Changhua, Nantou, and Hualien. There were 37 staffs in these 20 motor vehicle supervision offices. The southern region includes 15 motor vehicle supervision offices locate in south of Yunlin and Penghu, with totally 26 staffs. Combining northern and southern regions, there were 63 staffs in 35 motor vehicle supervision offices. Northern region completed ELVs hauling service; motor recycler contacting service, and follow-up ELVs dismantled vehicle part tracking for 80,633 ELVs (11,180 automobiles and 69,453 motorcycles) by using ELVs recycling and treatment system established within EPA information system. Southern region completed the same services for 24,588 ELVs (5,071 automobiles and 19,517 motorcycles). Both regions completed services for totally 105,221 ELVs (16,251 automobiles and 88,970 motorcycles). The staffs use telephone confirmation and onsite inspection to track the dismantled vehicle parts. There were around 142,000 phone calls made to assist ELVs owners contact ELVs recyclers and ensure ELVs were taken into recyclers’ plants for recycling and recovery. Besides, the staffs made 512 onsite inspections by taking photographs to ensure dismantled parts are properly recycled or treated. Service counter staffs educated citizens whenever going to motor vehicle supervision offices about the importance of proper recycling of their ELVs. The staffs completed around 459,000 services, 205,000 educational propagandas, and 81,000 consultations.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司